On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Vander Merschplein: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Vander Merschplein Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 309m - - Stad Menen Parking - 373m - - fee Wahisstraat Parking - 368m - Benediktinessenstraat, 10;12 parking space - 277m - Koningstraat, 31 parking space - 288m - Koningstraat, 29 parking space - 299m - Koningstraat, 27 parking space - 311m - Koningstraat, 25 parking space - 322m - Koningstraat, 15;23 parking space - 333m - Koningstraat, 15;23 parking space - 367m - Koningstraat, 20 parking space - 358m - Koningstraat, 24 parking space - 394m - Koningstraat, 20 parking space - 385m - Koningstraat, 20 parking space - 376m - Koningstraat, 20 parking space - 324m - - no fee René Gombertstraat, 32 Parking Entrance - 588m - - private access Ieperstraat, 41Shopping Clothes shop - 428mLingerie Bilitis Bruggestraat, 19 8930 Menen Phone: +32 56 51 75 54 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:30; Sa 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:00 Optician - 632mOptiQ Bruggestraat, 187;189 8930 Menen Shoes - 679mHostens - Dehaeze Bruggestraat, 242 Bakery - 388mDeleu Bruggestraat, 49 coffee shop - 432mVioletta’s Koffie- en Theehuis Bruggestraat, 15 Chemist - 531mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Rijselstraat, 10 8930 Menen Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:30; PH off Seafood - 341mSolkiri Bruggestraat, 109 Butchery - 296mDelhaye Bruggestraat, 91 Phone: +32 56 51 14 40 Email: rik.delhaye@telenet.be Opening hours: Mo-Sa 08:00-12:30,14:00-18:00; Su 08:00-12:00 Convenience shop - 376mDe Korenbloem Bruggestraat, 36 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00,14:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-12:00,14:00-16:00 Beverages - 375mHet Exclusieve Gerstenat Bruggestraat, 38 hifi shop - 471mDeleye Ieperstraat, 1 Email: deleyenv@telenet.be Opening hours: Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00,14:00-19:00; Sa 09:00-12:00,14:00-18:00; Su 09:30-12:00; PH off Boutique - 552mMy Secrets Kortrijkstraat, 22 Phone: +32 56 22 45 32 Email: info@mysecrets.be Opening hours: Mo 14:00-18:00; Tu-Sa 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:00 Electronics - 513mDirk Deleu Kortrijkstraat, 8 Phone: +32 56 51 12 98 Email: info@dirkdeleu.be fabric shop - 427mStoffen Den Engel Bruggestraat, 21 Opening hours: Mo 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:00; Tu-Sa 09:00-12:00,14:00-18:00 Hairdresser - 524mCarmen Donkerstraat, 27 Phone: +32 56 51 25 80 Opening hours: "op afspraak"Other refugee_housing - 439mOpvangcentrum Menen - Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen Stationstraat, 15 8930 Menen Vending Machine - 280m - Bruggestraat, 108 Social Facility - 216mJAC - Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk Koningstraat, 32 Phone: +32 800 13 500 Email: jac@cawzuidwestvlaanderen.be Social Facility - 229mKompas Koningstraat, 32 Email: adk.algemeen@kompasvzw.be shop-rental - 224mSpeelkoffer Koningstraat, 32 Phone: +32 56 53 21 51 Email: Speelkoffer@cawzuidwestvlaanderen.be Opening hours: Tu,Fr 14:00-18:00; We 16:00-18:00 Charging Station - 451mAllego - Grote Markt - Allego Grote Markt, 1 Shelter - 457m - Grote Markt office-yes - 286mCLB GO! Mandel en Leie Ontvoogdingsstraat, 32 Phone: +32 56 22 56 61 Email: info@clbmandelenleie.be shop-cheese - 488mKazematje Grote Markt, 15 Phone: +32 56 19 04 25 Email: info@kazematje.be Opening hours: Tu-Fr 09:00-12:30,15:00-18:00; Sa 08:30-14:00 employment agency offices - 613mUnique Ieperstraat, 33 Phone: +32 56 26 52 10 Email: menen@unique.be Opening hours: Mo-Th 08:30-12:30,13:30-17:30; Fr 08:30-12:30,13:00-17:00 shop-eyewear - 415mBrilglazen Shop Bruggestraat, 10 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:00; We 10:00-12:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 Waste Basket - 469m - Grote Markt Ice Cream - 406mFriola Grote Markt, 33 Email: info@friola.be Opening hours: Tu-Su 12:00-18:30 studio - 527mJessFM - lokale klankomroep Pallieter vzw Ieperstraat, 19 Phone: +32 56 53 10 75 Email: info@jessfm.be Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Vander Merschplein