On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Steenhouwersstraat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Steenhouwersstraat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 81mParking Roulers P1 Jules Lagaelaan, 20 Parking - 398m - Beversesteenweg Parking - 328m - Vlamingstraat Parking - 254m - Spanjestraat, 6 Parking - 246m - - fee Gasstraat Parking - 306m - Ardooisesteenweg, 48 Parking - 296mCityscoop Roeselare Gasstraat Parking - 249m - - fee Gasstraat, 17 Parking - 198m - Spanjestraat, 3 Parking - 388mCM Beversesteenweg Parking - 237mB-Parking - P1 - Station Roeselare - public access - fee - supervised Stationsplein Parking - 399m - - public access - no fee Sint-Amandsstraat Parking - 367m - - public access - fee Sint-Amandsstraat Parking - 380m - - public access - no fee Sint-Amandsstraat Parking - 363mOoststraat Station - public access - fee Traxweg Parking - 253m - Jules Lagaelaan, 7 Parking - 303m - - fee Koning Albert I-laan Parking - 178m - Jules Lagaelaan Parking - 373m - - private access Sint-Alfonsusstraat Parking - 266m - - fee Gasstraat, 17 Parking - 229m - - public access - fee Stationsplein Parking - 325m - - public access Ommegangstraat, 4 Parking - 305m - - public access Ommegangstraat, 9 Parking - 313m - Jules Lagaelaan Parking - 301m - - private access Spanjestraat Parking - 337m - Spanjestraat, 30 Parking - 388m - Kaaistraat, 3 Parking - 384mOnze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt - public access Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 208m - Stationsplein parking space - 216m - Stationsplein parking space - 218m - Stationsplein parking space - 209m - Stationsplein parking space - 210m - Stationsplein parking space - 234m - Stationsplein parking space - 235m - Stationsplein parking space - 237m - Stationsplein parking space - 376m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 379m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 385m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 371m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 368m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 365m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 363m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 387m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt parking space - 357m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 7A parking space - 360m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 7A parking space - 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246m - Ooststraat, 144-148 parking space - 219m - Stationsplein parking space - 315m - Ommegangstraat, 19 parking space - 313m - Ommegangstraat, 13 parking space - 312m - Ommegangstraat, 13 parking space - 310m - Ommegangstraat, 13 parking space - 308m - Ommegangstraat, 13 parking space - 306m - Ommegangstraat, 9 parking space - 300m - Ommegangstraat, 9 parking space - 311m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 314m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 315m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 317m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 319m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 321m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 322m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 324m - Ommegangstraat, 4 parking space - 326m - Ommegangstraat, 4 parking space - 327m - Ommegangstraat, 4 parking space - 240m - Stationsplein parking space - 242m - Stationsplein parking space - 244m - Stationsplein parking space - 239m - Stationsplein parking space - 294m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 293m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 291m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 parking space - 296m - Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 43 motorcycle parking - 213m - - no fee Gasstraat Parking Entrance - 640m - - private access Spoorweglaan Gas station - 675mQ8 Easy - Q8 Ardooisesteenweg, 117 8800 Roeselare Car Repair - 491mGarage Driessens Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 59Shopping shop-vacant - 605m - Delaerestraat, 27 laundry - 608mWassalon Jeli Stationsdreef, 1 Opening hours: Mo-Su 6:00-22:00 interior decoration - 426mTi Belle Ooststraat, 105 Clothes shop - 336mNew Look Ooststraat, 138 Clothes shop - 375mMon Histoire Vlamingstraat, 6B Clothes shop - 374mThe Outlet Store Vlamingstraat, 6C Clothes shop - 356mMargaux Ooststraat, 134 Clothes shop - 374mOkaïdi Ooststraat, 111 Clothes shop - 374mStuntverkoop Babyartikelen Ooststraat, 130 Clothes shop - 345mIkonik Ooststraat, 136 Clothes shop - 387mPastell Ooststraat, 128 Clothes shop - 351mZeeman Ooststraat, 113 beauty shop - 409mYves Rocher Ooststraat, 124 Confectionery - 384mWheels & Candy Ooststraat, 117 Optician - 184mDe Meulenaere Spanjestraat, 3 Convenience shop - 63mStation shop Ardooisesteenweg, 12 8800 Convenience shop - 71mStation Express Ardooisesteenweg, 2 8800 Convenience shop - 144mCentrumshop Beversesteenweg, 8 Convenience shop - 141m - Ardooisesteenweg, 29A Convenience shop - 155mEl Nour Ardooisesteenweg, 33 Convenience shop - 303mAnwr Ardooisesteenweg, 51 Convenience shop - 122mAfghan Supermarket Ardooisesteenweg, 25 Convenience shop - 131mAfrican Exotic Shop Ardooisesteenweg, 27 Convenience shop - 294mFlandria Supermarkt Stationsplein, 19 hearing aids - 171mHoorexpert Onze-Lieve-Vrouwestraat, 15 Hairdresser - 73mKapsalon Istanbul Ardooisesteenweg, 14 8800 Hairdresser - 139mOld Times Ardooisesteenweg, 29 Hairdresser - 146mBarbershop 2 Ardooisesteenweg, 31 Hairdresser - 363mSylvie Vlamingstraat, 10 Hairdresser - 329mPhilip Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 7 Hairdresser - 134mDe Hoofdzaak Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 30 Opening hours: Tu,Sa 09:00-17:00; We 09:00-12:00; Th 09:00-20:00; Fr 09:00-18:00 kitchen shop - 349mDecloedt Ardooisesteenweg, 60-62 8800 Shop - 61mCrystal Jules Lagaelaan, 25 outdoor shop - 172mRommelaere D Nijverheidsstraat, 14 Newsagent - 245mBjorn Ardooisesteenweg, 45 Opening hours: Mo 06:00-13:00; Tu-Fr 06:00-18:00; Sa 06:30-13:00 tickets - 100mLijnwinkel - De Lijn Ardooisesteenweg, 20 toys shop - 323mOberon Beversesteenweg, 50 Seafood - 422mNeptunus Stationsplein, 34 bookmaker - 382m - Stationsplein, 30 Supermarket - 288mAsalam - Supermarkt Ooststraat, 146 Jewelry - 519mTwice As Nice Ooststraat, 100 craft shop - 660mDe Banier Delaerestraat, 16-18 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-13:00,13:30-18:00; PH off coffee shop - 413mDonko's Hendrik Consciencestraat, 58-60 Furniture - 442m101 Interiors Ooststraat, 101 Chemist - 305mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Ooststraat, 144 8800 Roeselare Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:30; PH off Beverages - 301mStreekbieren Yves Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 1 8800 Opening hours: Mo 09:30-12:00, Mo,Sa 13:45-17:00; Th 09:00-12:30; Fr,Sa 09:00-12:00, Fr 13:45-18:00; Su 09:30-12:30; Sa 13:45-17:00 Hardware Store - 368mDe Witte-Van Eeckhout Kaaistraat, 3 Phone: +32 51 20 00 52 Butchery - 387mDries Kaaistraat, 3 Bakery - 277mResto & Snack Istanbul Ooststraat, 146A Computers shop - 121msym3 Jules Lagaelaan, 15Eating and Drinking Pub - 88mBarlaban Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 24 Pub - 334mEl Dia Stationsplein, 22 Pub - 310mThe New Arena Ardooisesteenweg, 50 8800 Pub - 284mDen Eekhoorn Stationsplein, 1 Pub - 302mCafé de l'Europe Ooststraat, 121 Pub - 272mIn Den Trap Stationsplein, 2 Pub - 370mSchippershof Kaaistraat, 1 Pub - 264mSaint Georges Stationsplein, 3 Cafe - 192mLa Palm Raie Beversesteenweg, 16 Cafe - 368mCreme de la Crema Hendrik Consciencestraat, 70 Fast food - 113mGolden Corner Ardooisesteenweg, 23 8800 Fast food - 302mFrituur 't Station Stationsplein, 20 Fast food - 310mMahran Snacks Stationsplein, 21 Fast food - 228mPanos Stationsplein, 55 Opening hours: Mo,Tu,Th,Fr 06:00-18:00; We 06:00-17:00 Fast food - 239mPlace2Eat Stationsplein, 6 Fast food - 323mBelchicken Ooststraat, 140 Restaurant - 84mDe Steeg Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 19 Restaurant - 313mKantonkeuken Ardooisesteenweg, 52 8800 Roeselare Restaurant - 194mIndian Tasty Food Ardooisesteenweg, 32 Restaurant - 219mEtna Stationsplein, 9 Restaurant - 291mTafel Madeleine Gasstraat, 20 Restaurant - 248mPetrouska Stationsplein, 4 Restaurant - 232mBelle-Vue Stationsplein, 7 Bar - 651mVanilla Delaerestraat, 22-24 Opening hours: Mo-Tu 16:00-23:00; Th 19:00-02:00, Fr 15:00-02:00, Sa 19:00-04:00Transport Bicycle Parking - 90m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 24 Bicycle Parking - 392m - - public access Ooststraat, 117 Bicycle Parking - 283m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Gasstraat, 20 Bicycle Parking - 231m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Ooststraat, 148 Bicycle Parking - 117m - Stationsplein Bicycle Parking - 256m - Stationsplein Bicycle Parking - 382m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt Bicycle Parking - 389m - - Stad Roeselare - fee Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt Bicycle Parking - 337m - - Stad Roeselare - fee Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 1 Bicycle Parking - 387m - - public access - no fee Garenstraat, 20 Bicycle Parking - 331m - Ooststraat, 117,119 Bicycle Parking - 268m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Ooststraat, 144-148 Bicycle Parking - 263m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Ooststraat, 144-148 Bicycle Parking - 341m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 6 Bicycle Parking - 258m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Ooststraat, 146 Bicycle Parking - 253m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Ooststraat, 146A Bicycle Parking - 189m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 31 Bicycle Parking - 214m - - Stad Roeselare - public access - no fee Sint-Hubrechtsstraat Bicycle Rental - 240mBlue-bike Station Roeselare - Blue-bike - Blue-Mobility Stationsplein Bicycle Rental - 284mEco-velo - Eco-Velo - Eco-Velo - fee Stationsplein, 55 8800 Roeselare Phone: +32 476 64 50 25 Email: ecovelo@dekringwinkelmidwest.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Bicycle Rental - 318mCyclobility Ooststraat, 117,119Other employment agency offices - 249mAccent Foreign Construct Beversesteenweg, 24 employment agency offices - 277mJust work Gasstraat, 17 office-union - 477mACOD Sint-Amandsstraat, 112 Ice Cream - 376mDe Zoete Zonde Vlamingstraat, 6 office-taxi - 41mTaxi Roeselare Jules Lagaelaan, 24 office-taxi - 224mTaxi's Georges Stationsplein, 11 Social Facility - 58mCGG Largo Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 20 Social Facility - 287mElim Gasstraat, 19 Social Facility - 247mTEJO Nijverheidsstraat, 11 shop-pet_grooming - 208mJari's Home Nijverheidsstraat, 3 8800 sport-billiards - 310mThe New Arena Ardooisesteenweg, 50 8800 office-association - 409mKAJ Roeselare Sint-Jorisstraat, 13 office-designer - 324mStudio Arsène Ardooisesteenweg, 54 8800 office-yes - 378mBeweging Ardooisesteenweg, 67 office-insurance - 406mClaeren J-M Ardooisesteenweg, 71 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:30-12:00,14:30-17:30 Waste Basket - 265m - Gasstraat, 17 Waste Basket - 335m - Stationsplein Waste Basket - 286m - Gasstraat, 20 Waste Basket - 320m - Ommegangstraat, 19 Charging Station - 226mAllego - Gasstraat - Allego - public access - fee Gasstraat, 17 Charging Station - 369m - - fee Sint-Amandsstraat Charging Station - 355m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt government offices - 72mWijkantenne Ardooisesteenweg, 6 Post gemeenschapswacht en wijkagent government offices - 292mRijsdienst Voor Arbeidsvoorziening Stationsplein, 55 Vending Machine - 264m - Gasstraat, 17 Fountain - 152m - Stationsplein office-accountant - 159mKMO In Balans Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 36 office-accountant - 286mNausikaa Mariastraat, 16 office-labour_union - 332mABVV Mariastraat, 22 office-lawyer - 109mAdvocaat Keirsebilck Ardooisesteenweg, 20 shop-rental - 284mEco-velo - Eco-Velo - Eco-Velo - fee Stationsplein, 55 8800 Roeselare Phone: +32 476 64 50 25 Email: ecovelo@dekringwinkelmidwest.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Toilets - 267m - - public access - fee Stationsplein, 55 Opening hours: Mo-Su 06:30-20:00 shop-cheese - 632m't Kaashoeveke Ardooisesteenweg, 111 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 14:00-19:00, We-Sa 08:00-12:30; Tu 09:00-12:30 compressed_air - 656m - Ardooisesteenweg, 117 trolley_bay - 689m - Ardooisesteenweg, 115A Recycling - 396m - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwemarkt, 18-22 shop-sewing - 488mVeritas Ooststraat, 89;89A dancing_school - 414mDansstudio Linda Danneels Hendrik Consciencestraat, 56 shop-leather - 481mOutlet Gabrielli Ooststraat, 108 Drinking Water - 370m - - Museum van de Koers - no fee Jules Lagaelaan office-advertising_agency - 182mHannibal Sint-Hubrechtsstraat, 42 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with