On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Stadsplein: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Stadsplein Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 30m - - public access - no fee Stadsplein Parking - 361m - - public access - no fee Grauwe Torenwal Parking - 226m - - public access - no fee Ter Rivierenwal, 9 Parking - 206m - Pater Lambertusstraat Parking - 256m - - public access - no fee Oudestraat Parking - 197m - Grauwe Torenwal, 7 Parking - 122m - - public access - no fee Kloosterpoort Parking - 110m - - public access - no fee Grauwe Torenwal, 3 Parking - 284m - Pater Lambertusstraat Parking - 186m - - public access - no fee Markt, 2 Parking - 360m - - public access - no fee Nieuwstadstraat, 12 Parking - 384m - Gruitroderstraat, 1,3 Parking - 377m - - no fee Gruitroderstraat, 2 Parking - 261m - - public access - no fee Markt, 19 Parking - 212m - - public access - no fee Markt, 13 Parking - 399m - Witte Torenwal Parking Entrance - 279mToegang parking Vrijthof Parking Entrance - 339mToegang parking Augustijnenstraat Parking Entrance - 365mAugustijnerparking - public access - fee Witte TorenwalShopping fabric shop - 417mMercerie Sonja Gruitroderstraat, 5 3960 Bree Shop - 222mThuiszorgwinkel Ter Rivierenwal, 12 Shop - 348mProtigold Hoogstraat, 20-20A Shop - 372mViool-reparatie Hoogstraat, 20-20A Shop - 335mDampshop Gerdingerstraat, 3A Alcohol - 411mBrouwerij Martens Rode Kruislaan, 28 3960 Bree Phone: +32 89 48 04 80 Hairdresser - 344mHeeren van Bree Gerdingerstraat, 3A 3960 Bree Hairdresser - 378m - Hoogstraat, 5 Hairdresser - 387mKreatos Kruittorenwal, 17 Shoes - 71mPareyn Kloosterstraat, 19 Phone: +32 89 46 13 11 Email: info@pareyn.be Clothes shop - 167mPlumPlum Ter Rivierenwal, 18 Clothes shop - 262mZeeman Markt, 19 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 247mEef Meewis Markt, 19 3960 Bree Phone: +32 89 20 65 20 Clothes shop - 388mIsle of Ilse Hoogstraat, 24 Clothes shop - 209mEffe Anders Vrijthof, 12-14 music shop - 504m - Opitterstraat, 5 Chemist - 216mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Hoogstraat, 2 3960 Bree Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00; PH off photo shop - 171mSelexion Foto Mabo Kloosterstraat, 3 interior decoration - 155mPijpers Kloosterstraat, 3 interior decoration - 231mHet Heerenhuis Markt, 19 interior decoration - 299mOkee Markt, 16 charity - 195mOxfam Markt, 2 Gifts shop - 96mKabeau Kloosterstraat, 19 Jewelry - 202mOrion Markt, 13 Jewelry - 322mJeweltime Hoogstraat, 1 Jewelry - 369mBlitzz Nieuwstadpoort, 1-1A Bookstore - 446mStandaard Boekhandel Opitterstraat, 6 3960 Bree Optician - 312mPearle Markt, 18 Optician - 363mOptiek Plessers Hoogstraat, 5 herbalist shop - 447m't Kruidenhuys Opitterstraat, 6 Wine - 584mhet Wijnkelderke Hoogstraat, 44 Newsagent - 322mDaily Newspapershop Nieuwstadstraat, 9 Newsagent - 378mKrantenShop C&G Augustijnenstraat, 4 Bakery - 427mBakkerij Schoofs Nieuwstadpoort, 25 tailor - 642mRetouche atelier Ayten Witte Torenwal Car shop - 411mAuto's Geusens Rode Kruislaan, 23 coffee shop - 329mGulden Tas Nieuwstadstraat, 11 Grocery - 318mVan Deursen Fr. Nieuwstadstraat, 7 Butchery - 309mVan Deursen Gerdingerstraat, 1 hearing aids - 340mAmplifon Gerdingerstraat, 3A Florist - 642mMooizo! Witte TorenwalEating and Drinking Cafe - 180mWachtzaal Markt, 13 Pub - 102m't Walleke Kloosterstraat, 18 Pub - 319mDen Augustijner Merisstraat, 12 Pub - 215mDolle Haring Markt, 15 Pub - 315mThe Shamrock Pub Vrijthof, 9 Pub - 195mCafé Reynaert Kloosterstraat, 1 Pub - 251mMichielshuis Markt, 8 3960 Bree Restaurant - 98mIngredi Kloosterstraat, 10 Restaurant - 399mCoco Thai Hoogstraat, 7,9 Restaurant - 392mOud Bree Nieuwstadpoort, 11 Restaurant - 215mLarissa Vrijthof, 12-14 Restaurant - 198mSenz'Altro Grauwe Torenwal, 14-14A Restaurant - 287mDe Potter Hoogstraat, 12 3960 Email: info@potter.be Opening hours: Mo-Su 09:00-22:00 Restaurant - 315mDe Croon Vrijthof, 8 Restaurant - 319mMistral Vrijthof, 7 Fast food - 180mDomino's Kloosterstraat, 3 Fast food - 287mKodak Markt, 14 Döner Kebab, Pizzeria Fast food - 350m't Hoekske frituur Nieuwstadstraat, 17-19 Fast food - 382mEighty-Eight Nieuwstadstraat, 14Other office-yes - 341mvCLB Grauwe Torenwal office-yes - 368mCM Grauwe Torenwal office-financial_advisor - 360mZakenkantoor Hendrikx Grauwe Torenwal, 20 shop-perfumery - 496mParfumerie S. Davids Hoogstraat, 32 Charging Station - 213m - - public access - fee Markt, 2 office-insurance - 223mDVV Marc Baeten & Co nv Markt, 4-6 shop-accessories - 144mIne Ter Rivierenwal, 15 government offices - 47mFOD Financiën Kloosterpoort, 1 government offices - 140mRefugiehuis van Postel Grauwe Torenwal, 3 3960 Bree voormalig refugiehuis van de abdij van Postel government offices - 241mWerkwinkel Ter Rivierenwal, 12 government offices - 118mSeniorenloket Grauwe Torenwal parcel_locker - 212m - - Distrispot Markt, 2 employment agency offices - 451mRandstad Opitterstraat, 18-18B shop-chocolate - 552mDe Gouden Sterre Hoogstraat, 36 Vending Machine - 420m - - Bakkerij Kenis Witte Torenwal, 35 3960 Bree religious offices - 274mFederatie Bree Secretariaat Grauwe Torenwal, 9A Ice Cream - 411mOma's IJs Rode Kruislaan, 28 office-lawyer - 417mA10 Legal Advocatenkantoor Witte Torenwal, 19 Fountain - 262m - Vrijthof Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with