On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rendelgat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Rendelgat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping beauty shop - 413mA Beauty Salon Sint-Salvatorstraat, 10 9000 Gent Bakery - 383mMerkez Sint-Salvatorstraat, 2 Alcohol - 445mTasttoe Two Phone: +32 9 352 60 00 Opening hours: Mo,Tu 11:00-18:00; We,Th 11:00-19:00; Fr 11:00-20:00; Sa 10:00-18:00 Bicycles - 379mVélocien Doornzelestraat, 106 Phone: +32 9 225 41 44 Email: info@velocien.be Opening hours: Mo,We-Fr 08:15-09:00,13:00-18:00, Sa 09:30-17:00 Supermarket - 574mAD Delhaize Dok Noord Dok-Noord, 7 9000 Phone: +32 9 224 11 19 Opening hours: Mo 12:00-20:00; Tu-Sa 08:00-20:00; Su 08:00-13:00;PH open tailor - 511mNaaibotik Asya Antoon Sanderusstraat, 7 Hairdresser - 306mPílot Karel Mirystraat, 3 Hairdresser - 381mMaster of Cuts Sleepstraat, 209 9000 Gent Hairdresser - 366mArif Sleepstraat, 179;181;183 pastry shop - 370mBostoen Dok-Noord, 4 Phone: +32 468 45 55 17 Furniture - 396mDe Direkteurswoning - deDirekteurswoning Sassevaartstraat, 44 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 225 24 48 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00 Convenience shop - 377mSvishtov Sleepstraat, 205 9000 Gent Opening hours: Mo 09:00-20:00; We-Su 09:00-20:00 tattoo - 529mStiene VS Art - Stiene Van Schepdael Sint-Salvatorstraat, 83 9000 Gent Email: stienevs@hotmail.com interior decoration - 615mLieven Goossens Sint-Salvatorstraat, 115 9000 Gent Phone: +32 485 57 65 46 Opening hours: We-Sa 14:00-18:00 Mall - 559mWinkelcentrum Dok Noord - Dok Noord NV Dok-Noord, 7 variety store - 539mAction Atlantastraat Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:30 Clothes shop - 393mCeyda Boutique Sleepstraat, 225 9000 Gent Phone: +32 486 40 86 70 Chemist - 528mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Dok-Noord, 7 9000 Gent Opening hours: Mo 13:00-18:00; Tu-Sa 09:00-18:30; PH off Butchery - 356mAkkoyun Sleepstraat, 208 9000 Gent toys shop - 373mDe Biotoop - Beleven bv Ham, 187 9000 Gent Phone: +32 475 30 56 02 Email: serge@debiotoop.be laundry - 450m't Hoeksken Antoon Sanderusstraat, 6;8;10;12 Car shop - 216mGents Autobedrijf Doornzelestraat, 21 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 223 45 67 Email: info@gentsautobedrijf.beEating and Drinking Fast food - 349mKübra Sleepstraat, 180 Fast food - 391mBØEF Dok-Noord, 4B Opening hours: Tu-Su 12:00-21:00 Fast food - 394mPitta Pizza Jani Sleepstraat, 225 Phone: +32 9 281 21 09 Opening hours: Mo 12:00-00:00; We-Su 12:00-00:00 Restaurant - 351mRØK Dok-Noord, 4 Opening hours: Mo-Su 12:00-14:00,18:00-21:00 Restaurant - 399m - Sint-Salvatorstraat, 10 Restaurant - 379mDiamond Pitta Sleepstraat, 205 Restaurant - 374mOfficina Raffaelli Dok-Noord, 4B Phone: +32 483 10 83 88 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 12:00-14:00,18:00-22:00; Sa 18:00-22:00 Restaurant - 362mDish Sleepstraat, 210 Phone: +32 9 223 80 75 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 19:00-23:00 Cafe - 371mÇukur Sleepstraat, 197 9000 Gent Pub - 312mMaritime Doornzelestraat, 82 9000 Gent Pub - 378mDok Brewing Company Dok-Noord, 4 Email: info@dokbrewingcompany.be Opening hours: Tu-Su 11:00-23:00 Bar - 527mAllumette Nieuwland, 1 Phone: +32 9 335 30 99 food court - 371mHal 16 Dok-Noord, 4B 9000 GentTransport Bicycle Parking - 74m - - no fee Cargadoorstraat Bicycle Parking - 257m - Doornzelestraat, 68 Bicycle Parking - 253m - Doornzelestraat, 68 Bicycle Parking - 207m - Bomastraat, 10 Bicycle Parking - 126m - Stekenevaardeken Bicycle Parking - 349m - Sleepstraat Bicycle Parking - 336m - Sleepstraat Bicycle Parking - 296m - Huidevetterken Bicycle Parking - 340mBuurtfietsenstalling Huidevetterken - De Fietsambassade Gent vzw - private access - fee Huidevetterken, 14 Bicycle Parking - 347m - Blekerijstraat, 24 Bicycle Parking - 220m - Nieuwland Bicycle Parking - 172m - Nieuwland, 69 Bicycle Parking - 246m - Karel Mirystraat, 23;23A Bicycle Parking - 211m - Karel Mirystraat, 30 Bicycle Parking - 313m - Bomastraat, 52 Bicycle Parking - 253m - - public access - no fee Bicycle Parking - 173m - - public access - no fee Doornzelestraat Bicycle Parking - 219m - Bomastraat, 24-28 Bicycle Parking - 115m - Désiré Fiévéstraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 387m - Ham, 187 Bicycle Parking - 274m - - Fluvius - no fee Bicycle Parking - 211m - Désiré Fiévéstraat, 31 Bicycle Parking - 369m - Sleepstraat, 210 Bicycle Parking - 206m - Stokerijstraat, 26 Bicycle Parking - 339m - Doornzelestraat, 84 Bicycle Parking - 224m - Stokerijstraat, 26 Bicycle Parking - 243m - Doornzelestraat Bicycle Parking - 201m - Doornzelestraat, 21 Bicycle Parking - 356m - Stokerijstraat, 56Other music schools - 390mGitaartrainingstudio Atlantastraat Phone: +32 484 26 28 42 Recycling - 434m - - private access Blekerijstraat, 75 office-accountant - 395mEnergia Doornzelestraat, 114 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 225 31 22 Email: kantoor@energia-accountants.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Charging Station - 62m - - fee Désiré Fiévéstraat, 12F Opening hours: 24/7 Charging Station - 367m - - fee Doornzelestraat, 106 Opening hours: 24/7 Charging Station - 330m - - fee Nieuwland, 37 Opening hours: 24/7 Charging Station - 326m - - fee Doornzelestraat, 82 Opening hours: 24/7 Charging Station - 105m - - fee Stokerijstraat, 6 Opening hours: 24/7 Vending Machine - 116m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Désiré Fiévéstraat, 2 Vending Machine - 303m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Doornzelestraat, 8 Vending Machine - 316m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Karel Mirystraat, 3 Vending Machine - 269m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Nieuwland, 49-49E Vending Machine - 183m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Bomastraat, 24-28 Vending Machine - 380m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Stokerijstraat, 60-66 Vending Machine - 339m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Stapelplein, 44-45 Vending Machine - 208m - - Mobiliteitsbedrijf Stad Gent Stokerijstraat, 26 sport-crossfit - 454mCrossFit Cargo Phone: +32 470 34 86 95 dancing_school - 468mCreate Godshuishammeke, 27 9000 Gent Phone: +32 472 89 60 01 Email: createvzw@gmail.com Lessen naai, dans, work-outs, mindfulness, zelfverdeding en vakantiekampen. Waste Basket - 329m - Ham Waste Basket - 374m - Sleepstraat Waste Basket - 350m - Ham, 176 Public Building - 581mHet Buurtcentrum Moestuinstraat shop-textile_printing - 441mSuburban Dok-Noord, 4C 002 9000 Phone: +32 9 329 84 16 Fax: +32 9 329 89 78 Email: info@suburban.be Opening hours: Mo-Tu, Th 08:30-16:30; We 08:30-18:00; Fr 08:30-15:00 office-company - 363mJES Gent Carelsplein Phone: +32 9 233 88 05 Opening hours: Mo,Tu 10:00-16:00; We 10:00-17:00; Th,Fr 09:00-16:00 office-company - 391mTicomi Technics Sleepstraat, 221 9000 Gent Phone: +32 477 20 64 61 Email: info@ticomi-technics.be office-it - 512mnøcomputer Phone: +32 477 40 34 59 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00 office-advertising_agency - 488mClouds bvba Sint-Salvatorstraat, 18a Phone: +32 491 08 66 62 Toilets - 342m - - public access - no fee Doornzelestraat, 1 NGO offices - 345mVrede VZW Carelsplein Phone: +32 9 233 46 88 Email: vrede@vrede.be Opening hours: Mo 09:00-17:00; Tu,We 09:00-16:00 office-yes - 212mDens Bomastraat, 12 9000 Gent office-yes - 342mMeemoo Ham, 175 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 298 05 01 Email: info@meemoo.be office-architect - 221mATAMA Bomastraat, 10 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 279 99 17 Email: nfo@atama-mail.be office-architect - 223mDierendonckblancke Bomastraat, 10 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 225 16 64 Email: info@dierendonckblancke.eu toy_library - 97mBaloe - vzw Jong Désiré Fiévéstraat, 2 9000 Gent Phone: +32 493 51 30 18 Email: baloe@vzwjong.be Opening hours: We 15:00-17:00; Sa 10:00-12:30 shop-appliance - 573mElectrostock Dok-Noord Phone: +32 9 277 06 77 Opening hours: Mo-Su 10:00-18:30 office-adoption_agency - 440mPleegzorg Oost-Vlaanderen Stapelplein Shelter - 331m - Ham Shelter - 369m - Doornzelestraat office-estate_agent - 343mHasKrediet Sleepstraat, 186 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 267 30 30 Email: verzekeringen@haskrediet.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30, 13:30-18:00 Social Facility - 288mwebsite - CAW Bomastraat, 38 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 224 21 22 Email: opvang.goc@cawoostvlaanderen.be Gemengd opvangcentrum Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 studio - 255mSpicy Acorn Bomastraat, 30-36 9000 Gent Phone: +32 9 331 55 10 Email: hello@spicy-acorn.com dog_toilet - 294m - Bomastraat, 52 office-coworking - 432mFlordi Sint-Salvatorstraat, 5 employment agency offices - 309mVDAB Kongostraat sport-yoga - 211mIyengar Yoga Gent - Eva Kamala Rodenburg Stokerijstraat, 26 9000 Gent Phone: +32 494 12 31 34 Email: evakamalarodenburg@gmail.com office-research - 269mLogos Foundation Kongostraat, 33 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with