On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Pater Pirestraat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Pater Pirestraat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Clothes shop - 215mDali's wysiwyg store Lange Leemstraat, 393 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 11:00-18:00 Supermarket - 355mProxy Delhaize - Delhaize Artsen zonder Grenzenstraat Hardware Store - 207mAlu-groep bouwmaterialen Lange Leemstraat, 346-354 Phone: +32 3 297 37 62 Email: alu-groep@outlook.com Opening hours: Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00; Sa 07:00-16:00; Su 09:00-13:00 Bakery - 196mDe Broodnatie Henri La Fontainestraat, 41-47 Bakery - 332mBakker Aldo Lange Leemstraat, 388 2018 Phone: +32 3 239 21 25 Email: info@bakkeraldo.be Opening hours: Sa-Tu 07:00-14:00 laundry - 175m - Hospitaalplein, 1,2,3 bookmaker - 674mBetCenter Statiestraat, 106 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 17:00-23:00; Sa 11:00-13:00,18:00-23:00; Su 15:00-23:00 Shop - 690mInlijstingen Singidunum Statiestraat, 116 antiques shop - 229mPljoesjkin Boomgaardstraat, 260 Opening hours: Tu,Th,Sa 13:00-17:00 Florist - 198mBloem? Bloem! Boomgaardstraat, 256 Hairdresser - 726mRamzi Statiestraat, 134 kitchen shop - 716mIxir Keukens Statiestraat, 134 houseware - 739mJorens Statiestraat, 141Transport Bicycle Parking - 100m - Infirmerieplein Bicycle Parking - 381m - Zurenborgstraat, 1 Bicycle Parking - 339m - - public access - no fee Van Luppenstraat, 1 Bicycle Parking - 323m - - private access Lange Leemstraat, 300-302 Bicycle Parking - 214m - - public access Van Luppenstraat, 33 Bicycle Parking - 219m - - public access Boomgaardstraat, 260 Bicycle Parking - 211m - - public access - no fee Van Luppenstraat, 67 Bicycle Parking - 325m - Cobdenstraat, 70 Bicycle Parking - 122m - Infirmerieplein Bicycle Parking - 338m - Cobdenstraat, 70 Bicycle Parking - 104m - Infirmerieplein Bicycle Parking - 353m - Albert Claudestraat Bicycle Parking - 354m - Auwersstraat, 69 Bicycle Parking - 361m - Generaal Drubbelstraat, 31 Bicycle Parking - 335m - Generaal Drubbelstraat, 26 Bicycle Parking - 395m - Beernaertstraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 381m - Ferdinand Coosemansstraat, 206 Bicycle Rental - 133mHospitaalplein - Velo - Velo Hospitaalplein, 1,2,3 Phone: +32 3 206 50 30 Bicycle Rental - 321mMilitair Hospitaal - Velo - Velo Artsen zonder Grenzenstraat Phone: +32 3 206 50 30 Bicycle Rental - 398mCuperus - Velo - Velo Cuperusstraat Phone: +32 3 206 50 30Other Charging Station - 433m - - totalenergies Lange Leemstraat, 337 Waste Basket - 35m - Pater Pirestraat Waste Basket - 393m - Mercatorstraat, 32 Waste Basket - 354m - Jules Bordetstraat Waste Basket - 337m - Artsen zonder Grenzenstraat Waste Basket - 125m - Boomgaardstraat, 143 Waste Basket - 100m - Infirmerieplein Shelter - 337m - Lange Leemstraat, 443 Recycling - 124m - Boomgaardstraat, 143 Recycling - 125m - Augustinessenplein, 1-4 Recycling - 125m - Augustinessenplein, 1-4 Recycling - 125m - Boomgaardstraat, 143 Recycling - 125m - Augustinessenplein, 1-4 Recycling - 124m - Boomgaardstraat, 143 Vending Machine - 128m - Boomgaardstraat, 143 Vending Machine - 333m - Artsen zonder Grenzenstraat Vending Machine - 342m - Van Luppenstraat, 1 coworking_space - 255mStokers Artsen zonder Grenzenstraat, 31 Phone: +32 3 302 30 40 Email: info@stokers.co office-coworking - 192mFriday Cowork Lange Leemstraat, 358 office-coworking - 255mStokers Artsen zonder Grenzenstraat, 31 Phone: +32 3 302 30 40 Email: info@stokers.co office-yes - 200mSyncura Henri La Fontainestraat, 41-47 waste disposal - 410m - Albert Claudestraat Drinking Water - 143m - - Waterlink Hospitaalplein shop-games - 370mAdriaensen Speciaalzaak Gezelschapsspellen Cuperusstraat, 7 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Pater Pirestraat