On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Kerkplein: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Kerkplein Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Car Repair - 378mcarrosserie Vervoort Tongerlodorp, 17,17B Parking - 11m - - public access - no fee Jos Geunsplein Parking - 386m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 34 Parking - 362m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 30,30A,30B,30C,30D Parking - 332m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 11A-11B Parking - 385m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 17,17B Parking - 317m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 26 Parking - 287m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 12 Parking - 233m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 8 Parking - 279m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 9A,9B,9C Parking - 270m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 12 Parking - 363m - - public access - no fee Lange Nieuwstraat, 15 Parking - 344m - - public access - no fee Lange Nieuwstraat Parking - 320m - - public access - no fee Lange Nieuwstraat, 25 Parking - 341m - - public access - no fee Lange Nieuwstraat, 27,27A Parking - 231m - - public access - no fee Tongerlodorp, 1 Parking - 268m - - public access - no fee de Trannoyplein, 2 Parking - 217m - de Trannoyplein Parking - 49m - - public access - no fee Kerkplein Parking - 55m - - public access - no fee Kerkplein, 5 Parking - 28m - - public access - no fee Jos Geunsplein, 2-2A Parking - 28m - - public access - no fee Jos Geunsplein, 4 Parking - 65m - - public access - no fee Jos Geunsplein, 7 Parking - 66m - - public access - no fee Jos Geunsplein, 15 Parking - 189m - - public access - no fee Abdijstraat, 2 Parking - 292m - - public access - no fee de Trannoyplein Parking - 259m - - public access - no fee Abdijstraat, 1;3 parking space - 69m - Kerkplein, 5Shopping Bakery - 397mDebecker Tongerlodorp, 19 Opening hours: Fr 07:00-14:00; Sa 06:30-16:00; Su,PH 06:30-12:30; Mo,We,Th 07:00-18:00 Grocery - 407mFruitmarkt Cools Tongerlodorp, 21 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-12:30,13:00-18:00 Convenience shop - 232mTongerlose nachtwinkel Tongerlodorp, 1 Butchery - 309mKeurslager David Tongerlodorp, 26 Opening hours: Mo,Tu,Th,Fr 08:30-12:30,13:30-18:00; Sa 08:30-17:00; Su,PH 08:30-12:00 beauty shop - 377mJules Lange Nieuwstraat, 8 2260 Westerlo Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with