On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Herbert Hooverplein: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Herbert Hooverplein Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 124m - - private access Herbert Hooverplein, 9 Parking - 265m - - private access Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 32 Parking - 164m - - private access Theresianengang Parking - 160m - - private access Tiensestraat, 41 Parking - 397m - Tiensestraat, 25 Parking - 339mParking Center - MyPark - fee Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 11 Parking - 337m - - private access Bogaardenstraat, 11 Parking - 329m - - private access Ravenstraat, 19 Parking - 290m - Ravenstraat, 15 Parking - 296m - Erasmusplein Parking - 304m - - private access Erasmusplein Parking - 311m - - private access Erasmusplein Parking - 248m - Erasmusplein Parking - 165mParking Ladeuze - MyPark - public access - fee Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Parking Entrance - 151m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Parking Entrance - 232m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 31 Parking Entrance - 214m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 Parking Entrance - 371m - - private access Alfons Smetsplein, 4 Parking Entrance - 347mParking Center Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 9 parking space - 306m - - private access Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 parking space - 362m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 2 parking space - 345m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 2 parking space - 312m - - private access Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 parking space - 317m - - private access Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32Education University - 104mHerbert-Hooverhuis - KU Leuven Herbert Hooverplein, 9 3000 Leuven University - 183mDe Valk 3 - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 41 3000 Leuven University - 234mPsychologisch Instituut - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 102 3000 Leuven University - 190mBabel - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 13 3000 Leuven University - 298mHuis Jeanne Devos - KU Leuven Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 32 University - 312mCollege De Valk-Poorthuis - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 41 3000 Leuven University - 287mCollege De Valk - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 41 3000 Leuven University - 317mDep. Ped.Wetensch.-Leo XIII - KU Leuven Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 2 University - 208mHoger Instituut Wijsbegeerte - KU Leuven Kardinaal Mercierplein, 2 3000 Leuven University - 314mMgr.Romerohuis - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 3000 Leuven University - 324mSeminarie Leo XIII - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 112 3000 Leuven University - 274mLeo XIII-Professorengebouw - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 112 3000 Leuven University - 356mHuis Warny - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 124 3000 Leuven University - 340mSint-Franciscus-huis - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 120 3000 Leuven University - 228mUitbreiding Rechtsgeleerdheid - KU LEUVEN Blijde-Inkomststraat, 17 3000 Leuven University - 180mSteunpunt NT2 - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 9 3000 Leuven University - 159mF.Verbiestproject - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 3 3000 Leuven University - 169mEuropahuis - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 5 3000 Leuven University - 249mSociale-Zekerheidsrecht - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 19 3000 Leuven University - 174mHuis Mgr. Janssens - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 7 3000 Leuven University - 206mGroepspraktijk voor Huisartsen Blijde-Inkomststraat, 15 3000 Leuven University - 378mSagalassos - KU Leuven Maria-Theresiastraat, 21-001/002 3000 Leuven University - 369mErasmushuis - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 21 3000 Leuven University - 202mMgr. Sencie Instituut - KU Leuven Erasmusplein, 2 3000 Leuven University - 393mGascabine Letteren Maria-Theresiastraat, 23 3000 Leuven University - 396mAugusta de Creefthuis - KU Leuven Maria-Theresiastraat, 23 3000 Leuven University - 211mAppartementen-Ingang Mgr. Ladeuzeplein, 30 3000 Leuven University - 227mWoonhuis Tiensestraat, 49 3000 Leuven School - 154mSancta Maria Instituut Tiensestraat, 78 3000 Leuven School - 286mSancta Maria Basisschool Charles Deberiotstraat, 3 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 67 15Shopping Bookstore - 38mPLATO Herbert Hooverplein, 26 Bookstore - 380mFnac Bondgenotenlaan, 32 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 75 12 11 Opening hours: Mo-Th,Sa 10:00-18:30; Fr 10:00-19:00 Bookstore - 313mDe Slegte Bondgenotenlaan, 47 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Bookstore - 314mFnac Vital Decosterstraat, 7 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 75 12 11 Bookstore - 214mBoekarest Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 12 3000 Leuven Alcohol - 111mMagnus Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 22 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 278mCarissima Vital Decosterstraat, 4 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 399mMango Diestsestraat, 109 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 392mJOTT Diestsestraat, 76 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 381mG-Star Raw Diestsestraat, 103-105 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 363mBasic Blue Jeans Factory Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 9 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 318mGIGUE Bondgenotenlaan, 44 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 48 70 03 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 13:30-18:00 Clothes shop - 389mMarcia Parys Bondgenotenlaan, 32 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 392mMonstertjes Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 29a Clothes shop - 356mMinisterie van Unieke Zaken Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 33 Clothes shop - 374mDamart Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 31 Leuven Clothes shop - 318mKarma Koma Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 39 Clothes shop - 339mWE Bondgenotenlaan, 43 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 22 94 08 Clothes shop - 362mAtelier Roosen Jan Stasstraat, 18 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 331mCaroline Biss Bondgenotenlaan, 56 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 304mTerre Bleue Bondgenotenlaan, 46-48 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 50 37 90 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 13:30-18:00 Clothes shop - 313mGreat at 8 Jan Stasstraat, 8 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 349mJuttu Bondgenotenlaan, 57 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 288mWEAR Bondgenotenlaan, 54 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 20 42 85 Opening hours: Mo-Th 10:00-18:00; Fr,Sa 10:00-18:30 Clothes shop - 283mRiver Woods Bondgenotenlaan, 52 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 297mGIGUE Vital Decosterstraat, 6 3000 Leuven copyshop - 121mPrinting Shop Vlamingenstraat, 2 copyshop - 276mPrinting Shop Tiensestraat, 56 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-17:00; Su off copyshop - 346mCopy De Raaf Ravenstraat, 25 3000 Leuven Email: info@deraaf.be Mobile Phones - 551mVolt Repair Bondgenotenlaan, 2 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 493 88 41 57 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Furniture - 642mNuances Home Decoration Koning Leopold I-straat, 44 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:30-18:00 Confectionery - 565mOlleke Bolleke Tiensestraat, 3 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 22 70 03 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Medical supply - 560mThuiszorgwinkel Koning Leopold I-straat, 34 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 31 49 10 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30, Mo-We,Fr 13:15-17:30, Th 13:15-16:30 Optician - 338mOptiek Vandenbalck Bondgenotenlaan, 57 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-We,Fr,Sa 10:00-18:00 beauty shop - 701mClé de Peau Louis Melsensstraat, 23 3000 Leuven toys shop - 698mVilla Popcorn Louis Melsensstraat, 17 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 496 48 35 40 Email: info@villapopcorn.be Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00 Convenience shop - 247mSHAVT Charles Deberiotstraat, 2 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 58 43 11 Email: info@shavt.be SHAVT : Simply Healthy And Vegan Things. A store which sells self-made vegan cheese and other vegan products. Opening hours: Mo-Sa 12:00-18:30; Su off Convenience shop - 268mSherpa Nachtwinkel Tiensestraat, 113 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Su 18:00-23:00 Hairdresser - 20mAyso Herbert Hooverplein, 21 Hairdresser - 398mLiberty Hair Vital Decosterstraat, 14 3000 Leuven Email: liberty.hair@skynet.be Hairdresser - 330mHairdesign Sandra Tiensestraat, 52 3000 Leuven Hairdresser - 293mLa Blonda Vital Decosterstraat, 5 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 3 800 88 73 cosmetics shop - 308mDouglas Bondgenotenlaan, 55 art shop - 584mSango Art Gallery Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 9 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 22 49 49 Opening hours: We-Sa 10:00-18:00 photo shop - 377m't Oogenblik Tiensestraat, 37 3000 Leuven houseware - 178mDille & Kamille Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 27-28 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 36 03 61 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:30 Supermarket - 334mThai Supermarket - Thai Trade House Alfons Smetsplein, 6 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu,We,Fr,Sa 10:30-18:00; Th 13:00-18:00; Su,Mo off Bakery - 183mPain Louvain Tiensestraat, 59 3000 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 Bicycles - 570mBike Services Tiensestraat, 153 Phone: +32 16 42 13 01 Email: bikeservices@yahoo.com Department store - 507mHEMA Diestsestraat, 98 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00 antiques shop - 517mLove it or hate it Vital Decosterstraat, 26 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Th-Sa 13:00-18:00 Gifts shop - 277mMaya Vision Alfons Smetsplein, 3H 3000 Leuven Email: info@mayavision.be Gifts shop - 305mManga Mania Bondgenotenlaan, 47 3000 Shoes - 352mBuffalini Bondgenotenlaan, 40 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 20 47 41 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:15 Shoes - 396mSusula Bondgenotenlaan, 32 3000 Leuven Shoes - 383mNew Versailles Vital Decosterstraat, 10 3000 Leuven variety store - 433mSoLow Diestsestraat, 93 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 59 00 50 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00 interior decoration - 427mCASA Diestsestraat, 93 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 58 43 16 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 outdoor shop - 338mAS Adventure Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 37 Leuven outdoor shop - 386mJack Wolfskin Diestsestraat, 107 3000 Leuven Sports Shop - 369mSports Direct Diestsestraat, 70 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 89 13 02 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 09:30-18:30 tailor - 364mIn de gouden hand Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 11 3000 Leuven Stationery - 707mHet Stijlhuis Diestsestraat, 33 3000 Leuven Phone: +32487420198 Email: stijlhuis.tang@gmail.com Opening hours: Tu-Sa 11:00-17:30; PH off tattoo - 541mHell Tattoo Bondgenotenlaan, 4 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 43 66 42 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Tea - 306mDe Theewinkel Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 41 Leuven Jewelry - 327mGeorge Juweliers Bondgenotenlaan, 42 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 22 28 16 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:30-18:00; Sa 10:00-18:00 Jewelry - 353mSwarovski Bondgenotenlaan, 43 3000 Leuven Jewelry - 378mMy Jewellery Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 17 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-We,Fr,Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 12:00-17:00 laundry - 162mNemo's Wash Tiensestraat, 67 3000 Leuven Email: info@lovinghut.be music shop - 274mBilbo Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 2 3000 Leuven bags shop - 563mMano Diestsestraat, 40 3000 Leuven Newsagent - 529mCajephi Bondgenotenlaan, 83 3000 Leuven kitchen shop - 206mKeuken Boutique Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 10 3000 Leuven Chemist - 605mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Bondgenotenlaan, 95 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00Eating and Drinking Restaurant - 81mBuddha House Tiensestraat, 79 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 95 00 Opening hours: Tu-Su 12:00-14:30,17:00-22:00 Restaurant - 292mAlma 1 - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 115 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:00-14:30,17:00-20:00; Sa 12:00-14:00 Restaurant - 235mSikinoya Tiensestraat, 62B 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Su 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 Restaurant - 213mAl Parma Tiensestraat, 68 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 166m't Academisch kwartier - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 41 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-14:00 Restaurant - 112mNew sushi palace Tiensestraat, 90 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 120mWolfgang Tiensestraat, 82 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 111mGainsbourg Tiensestraat, 96 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu-Sa 18:00-24:00; 09:00-17:00; PH closed Restaurant - 109mNepal Delight Tiensestraat, 92 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo 11:30-14:00, 17:30-22:00; We-Su 11:30-14:00, 17:30-22:00 Restaurant - 363mFuji Tiensestraat, 119 Phone: +32 16 41 38 04 Email: info@fuji-sushi.be Opening hours: Mo-Su 11:30-14:00,17:00-22:00 Restaurant - 224mStudio 31 Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 31 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu,Sa,Su 12:00-23:00; Mo,We-Fr 16:00-23:00 Restaurant - 308mTokio Sushi Bar Ravenstraat, 19 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 290mDe Appel Ravenstraat, 15 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 391mOtomat Tiensestraat, 33 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 19 01 01 Opening hours: PH, Mo-Su 12:00-22:00 Restaurant - 369mPasta Ruffo Tiensestraat, 48 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 158mPanaché Tiensestraat, 69 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 316mSmokeyChef Alfons Smetsplein, 3/0 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 483 42 39 12 Opening hours: We-Sa 16:00-21:00; Su 11:00-21:00 Restaurant - 318mDamasco Alfons Smetsplein, 3/1 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 489 89 94 85 Opening hours: Mo-Su 12:00-21:00 Restaurant - 336mAh! Quy Alfons Smetsplein, 4 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 331mSeoul South Station Alfons Smetsplein, 3 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 465 27 14 87 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 11:00-21:00; Su 11:00-16:00 Restaurant - 324mBanh Mi Express Alfons Smetsplein, 3 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 11:30-20:00; Su 11:30-16:00 Restaurant - 99mCoup de Soup Herbert Hooverplein, 15 3000 Leuven Pub - 99mCafé Commerce Herbert Hooverplein, 16 3000 Leuven Pub - 185mFacbar Letteren Blijde-Inkomststraat, 11 3000 Leuven Pub - 192mPolitika Kaffee Tiensestraat, 55 3000 Leuven Pub - 201mHuis der Rechten Tiensestraat, 51 3000 Leuven Pub - 215mRecup Tiensestraat, 51 3000 Leuven Pub - 148mLapaz Tiensestraat, 73 3000 Leuven Pub - 260mCarlisse Arendstraat, 1 Leuven Fast food - 228mHawaiian Poke Bowl Tiensestraat, 64 3000 Leuven Fast food - 342m't Vluggertje Alfons Smetsplein, 4 3000 Leuven Fast food - 394mVesalius Vesaliusplein Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:00-23:00; Sa 14:00-23:00 Fast food - 382mCroque ‘n role Tiensestraat, 37 Fast food - 298mThai Snacks - Thai Trade House Alfons Smetsplein, 11 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:30-15:00,17:00-20:30; Sa 11:30-15:00; Su off Fast food - 261mDe Babyloniër Tiensestraat, 60 3000 Leuven Fast food - 360mOats Tiensestraat, 50 3000 Leuven Cafe - 75mAlaboneur Herbert Hooverplein, 26 3000 Cafe - 337mMadmum Maria-Theresiastraat Cafe - 369mIzyCoffee Diestsestraat, 74 Opening hours: Mo-Su 08:00-18:00 Cafe - 356mPlant Dragon Bogaardenstraat, 24 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 11:00-18:00 Cafe - 166mT&Ko Tiensestraat, 65 3000 Leuven Cafe - 199mCoffee College Tiensestraat, 72A 3000 Leuven Email: leuven@coffeecollege.be Cafe - 279mPicasso Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 1 Leuven Cafe - 368mSweet Coffee Tiensestraat, 37 Cafe - 319mCafe Mont Tiensestraat, 52 Cafe - 247mT & Ko Tiensestraat, 47 3000 Leuven Email: info@tTnKo.be Cafe - 369mQuetzal Alfons Smetsplein, 3 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 82 59 88 Email: leuven@quetzal.be Opening hours: Su 13:00-18:00; Mo-Fr 12:00-22:00; Sa 13:00-22:00 Cafe - 261mDen Beiaard Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 8 Leuven Cafe - 271mClochard de Luxe Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 5 Leuven Opening hours: Tu-Su 10:00-22:00 Cafe - 99mSO the best of both worlds Herbert Hooverplein, 4 3000 Leuven Cafe - 380mKoffiehuis Java Jan Stasstraat, 20 3000 Leuven food court - 463mFood Central Tiensestraat, 142 3000 Leuven Bar - 367mOCTOBAR Alfons Smetsplein, 3 Opening hours: We-Su 17:00-22:00Transport Bicycle Parking - 139m - Blijde-Inkomststraat, 10 Bicycle Parking - 331m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 324m - - no fee Tiensestraat, 115 Bicycle Parking - 290m - - private access - no fee Blijde-Inkomststraat, 28 Bicycle Parking - 154m - Tiensestraat, 93 Bicycle Parking - 295m - Tiensestraat, 41 Bicycle Parking - 229m - Bicycle Parking - 198m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Bicycle Parking - 384m - Maria-Theresiastraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 244m - - no fee Jan Stasstraat, 1 Bicycle Parking - 390m - - public access - no fee Willemsstraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 142m - Tiensestraat, 41 Bicycle Parking - 393m - - no fee Bondgenotenlaan, 31 Bicycle Parking - 398m - - no fee Bondgenotenlaan, 31 Bicycle Parking - 274m - Tiensestraat, 47 Bicycle Parking - 277m - Tiensestraat, 45 Bicycle Parking - 330m - Tiensestraat, 52 Bicycle Parking - 335m - - no fee Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Bicycle Parking - 289m - - no fee Jan Stasstraat, 8 Bicycle Parking - 260m - - no fee Arendstraat, 9 Bicycle Parking - 247m - - no fee Arendstraat, 1 Bicycle Parking - 262m - - KU Leuven - no fee Blijde-Inkomststraat, 21 Bicycle Parking - 390m - - Stad Leuven - public access - no fee Bogaardenstraat, 34 Bicycle Rental - 171mSwapfiets Tiensestraat, 65 Opening hours: Mo,Th-Sa 12:00-17:30; Tu 12:00-19:00Tourism Museum - 398mM-Museum - fee Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 26 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 27 29 29 Opening hours: Mo-Tu 11:00-18:00; Th 11:00-22:00; Fr-Su 11:00-18:00 Touristic Attraction - 299m - Charles Deberiotstraat Touristic Attraction - 337m - Charles Deberiotstraat, 5 Artwork - 153m"Monument van de arbeid" (voorstudie) Kardinaal Mercierplein, 3 Voorstudie voor Constantin Meuniers "Monument van de arbeid" (Jachtenkaai, Laken). De vier taferelen stellen (van links naar rechts) de Nijverheid, de Oogst, de Haven en de Mijn. Artwork - 189mDésiré-Joseph Mercier La statue en bronze du Cardinal lui représente absorbé dans son travail d’écrivain. Familier du cardinal Mercier, R.P. Ephrem-Marie de Kcynia (ou Stanisław Klawitter ou Ephram-Maria de Czynia ou de Kzynia), est le dernier prêtre consacré par celui-ci. Artwork - 164m - Tiensestraat Artwork - 165m - Tiensestraat, 78 Artwork - 169mAbrahambeeld Vlamingenstraat Copy of statue in Oosterhout; donated by Mannen van 't Jaar (Jaartallen); First located in Broekstraat (now Janseniusstraat) until 1975, since 1980 in Stadspark Artwork - 301m - Tiensestraat Artwork - 175mTotem Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Artwork - 280mDe Witte van Zichem Erasmusplein Touristic Information - 101mStad Leuven Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Touristic Information - 391m - Diestsestraat, 101 Touristic Information - 245mStad Leuven Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 2 Touristic Information - 358m - Bondgenotenlaan, 40 Touristic Information - 344m - Bondgenotenlaan, 42 Touristic Information - 352m - Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Touristic Information - 398m - Jan Stasstraat, 20 Travel Agency - 102mConnections Martelarenplein, 17 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Travel Agency - 222mOmnia travel Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 15 3000 LeuvenOther Shelter - 426m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat office-water_utility - 18mDe Watergroep Herbert Hooverplein, 23 3000 Leuven Fountain - 63mWaterspeelfontein - Stad Leuven Herbert Hooverplein Toilets - 142m - - public access - no fee Tiensestraat, 78 Opening hours: 07:00-19:00 Toilets - 227m - - public access - no fee Tiensestraat, 64 Toilets - 177m - - public access Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Social Facility - 232mWoonzorgcentrum Booghuys Vlamingenstraat, 3 Social Facility - 381mWoonzorgcentrum Edouard Remy - Zorg Leuven Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 10 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 24 84 20 Vending Machine - 187m - Tiensestraat, 41 Vending Machine - 376m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat Vending Machine - 318m - Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 Vending Machine - 214m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 Vending Machine - 232m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 31 Waste Basket - 100m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Waste Basket - 246m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 4 Waste Basket - 361m - Tiensestraat, 118 Waste Basket - 246m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 2 Waste Basket - 397m - Diestsestraat, 101 Waste Basket - 368m - Diestsestraat, 74 Waste Basket - 117m - Tiensestraat, 82 Waste Basket - 102m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Waste Basket - 106m - Herbert Hooverplein, 16 Waste Basket - 393m - Tiensestraat, 33 Waste Basket - 370m - Tiensestraat, 48 Waste Basket - 327m - Bondgenotenlaan, 44 Waste Basket - 320m - Bondgenotenlaan, 42 Waste Basket - 377m - Bondgenotenlaan, 32 Waste Basket - 397m - Bondgenotenlaan, 31 Waste Basket - 296m - Tiensestraat, 56 Waste Basket - 318m - Alfons Smetsplein, 6 Waste Basket - 318m - Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Waste Basket - 331m - Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Waste Basket - 342m - Bondgenotenlaan, 43 Waste Basket - 334m - Bondgenotenlaan, 57 Waste Basket - 287m - Vital Decosterstraat, 4 Waste Basket - 240m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 6 Waste Basket - 233m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 8 Waste Basket - 224m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 Waste Basket - 336m - Koning Leopold I-straat, 10 Waste Basket - 231m - Koning Leopold I-straat, 1 sport-billiards - 319mPentahotel Leuven Alfons Smetsplein, 7 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 31 76 00 Email: info.leuven@pentahotels.com shop-leather - 462mSac d'Anvers Diestsestraat, 85 3000 Leuven employment agency offices - 254mStart People Jan Stasstraat, 1 3000 Leuven employment agency offices - 270mTempo team Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 6 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-12:30,13:30-17:30 office-lawyer - 183mTobback-Timmermans Tiensestraat, 76 3000 Leuven Email: info@tobback-timmermans.be office-lawyer - 255mModero Koning Leopold I-straat, 1 3000 Leuven parcel_locker - 348m - - bpost Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 11 Opening hours: 24/7 office-association - 252mACLVB Leuven Jan Stasstraat, 5-7 3000 Leuven shop-glass_design - 608mTheys & Miseur Rector De Somerplein, 10 3000 Leuven office-company - 665mWim Woittiez bvba Diestsestraat, 20 shop-chocolate - 295mThink Chocolate Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 43 Leuven shop-chocolate - 371mLeonidas Jan Stasstraat, 20 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 95 57 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 office-estate_agent - 98mCentury 21 Herbert Hooverplein, 14 3000 Leuven office-estate_agent - 367mCOVAS immo Bondgenotenlaan, 33 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 40 60 20 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-12:30,13:30-17:30 office-estate_agent - 350mCovas Tiensestraat, 50 3000 Leuven office-estate_agent - 253mInvesteer in Leuven Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 33 3000 Leuven office-estate_agent - 249mImmo Jan Stas Jan Stasstraat, 3 3000 Leuven Email: info@immojanstas.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-13:00,14:00-17:00 parking_exit - 182m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein waste disposal - 288m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 4 shop-household - 498mVilleroy & Boch Bondgenotenlaan, 19 3000 Leuven Bicycle repair - 199mVelo Fix Station MSI - KU Leuven - no fee Blijde-Inkomststraat, 5 Bicycle repair - 309m - - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 115 public bookcase - 585mDekenstraat - Stad Leuven Dekenstraat, 6 Opening hours: 24/7 office-notary - 361mNotaris Tom Wilsens Koning Leopold I-straat, 5 3000 Leuven water point - 401m - Jan Cobbaertplein shop-e-cigarette - 514mDampshop Leuven Bondgenotenlaan, 10 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 62 37 00 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-13:30,14:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-18:00 shop-household_linen - 486mCarré Blanc Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 20 3000 Leuven Recycling - 197m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein office-advertising_agency - 438mMinsky Koning Leopold I-straat, 18 3000 Leuven Email: info@minsky.be Ice Cream - 272mDecadenza Gelateria Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 4 Leuven Ice Cream - 380m't Galetje Tiensestraat, 44 3000 Leuven shop-rental - 171mSwapfiets Tiensestraat, 65 Opening hours: Mo,Th-Sa 12:00-17:30; Tu 12:00-19:00 Drinking Water - 218m - shop-locksmith - 437mMister Minit Bondgenotenlaan, 23 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-14:00,14:30-18:00; Sa 10:00-14:00,14:30-17:50 office-tax_advisor - 343mImmotheker Jan Stasstraat, 14 3000 Leuven shop-perfumery - 324mICI PARIS XL - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Bondgenotenlaan, 45 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00; PH off shop-telecommunication - 209mTelenet Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 11 3000 Leuven shop-telecommunication - 323mProximus Shop Bondgenotenlaan, 55 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 office-insurance - 433mRondou & Zoon Bondgenotenlaan, 22 3000 Leuven office-architect - 222mDelta Vander Avort Architecten Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 3000 Leuven Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Herbert Hooverplein