On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Handelsstraat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Handelsstraat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Bakery - 322mFijnbakkerij Vincent Stationsdreef, 129-131 Opening hours: PH,Mo,Sa 06:30-18:00; Th-Fr 06:30-18:30; Su 06:00-18:00 Bakery - 354m't Bakkerietje Brugsesteenweg, 123 Florist - 336mKadoshop Brugsesteenweg, 131 Phone: +32 51 24 76 24 Email: info@kadoshoproeselare.be Opening hours: Mo-Sa 06:30-19:00 dry cleaning - 434mmakkie Strijkatelier Brugsesteenweg, 93 Phone: +32 51 24 40 02 Email: info.strijkroeselare@makkie.be Opening hours: Mo,Th 08:00-18:00; Tu 08:00-17:00; We 08:00-16:00; Fr 08:00-13:00 Supermarket - 504mDe Kleine Bassin Brugsesteenweg, 62 Phone: +32 51 20 10 42 Email: roeselare@dekleinebassin.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-12:30,13:30-18:30; Sa 08:30-12:30,13:30-18:00 beauty shop - 572mBeautiness Brugsesteenweg, 207 Wine - 440mWijnhuis Vanden Bulcke Hugo Verrieststraat, 96 trade shop - 401mD.A.C. Machines Brugsesteenweg, 82-84 Butchery - 368mNico en Katrien Godshuislaan, 45 Electronics - 280mDeforce Godshuislaan, 19 paint shop - 375mBocca Paint Godshuislaan, 13 Clothes shop - 560mLa Posa Stationsdreef, 180/182 Phone: +32 51 22 22 89 second hand shop - 637mDe Kringwinkel Midwest Brugsesteenweg, 44 8800 Phone: +32 51 24 49 14 Email: info@dekringwinkelmidwest.be Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:00-17:30Other Vending Machine - 317m - Brugsesteenweg Vending Machine - 378m - Brugsesteenweg Vending Machine - 354m - Brugsesteenweg Shelter - 307m - Brugsesteenweg Social Facility - 214mDe Waterdam - OCMW Handelsstraat, 37 Phone: +32 51 23 63 84 Email: de.waterdam@ocmw-roeselare.be Social Facility - 332mWelzijnshuis Roeselare Gasthuisstraat Social Facility - 261mTer Berken Zijstraat, 59 Waste Basket - 134m - Waste Basket - 327m - Gasthuisstraat Waste Basket - 345m - Brugsesteenweg Waste Basket - 348m - Gasthuisstraat Waste Basket - 347m - Rondekomstraat employment agency offices - 596mActief Interim Brugsesteenweg, 215-217 dancing_school - 103mDansstudio Indigo Stokerijstraat, 56 office-lawyer - 105mAmeye Handelsstraat, 60 Recycling - 223m - Drafstraat Recycling - 239m - Drafstraat Recycling - 234m - Drafstraat Recycling - 255m - Drafstraat Recycling - 258m - Drafstraat Recycling - 262m - Drafstraat Charging Station - 40mAllego - Handelsstraat - Allego - public access - fee Handelsstraat, 24 Charging Station - 397mAllego -Godshuislaan - Allego - public access - fee Godshuislaan, 13 office-insurance - 435mVandenweghe Prinses Josephine Charlottestraat, 1 government offices - 476mBelastingen Rondekomstraat, 30 Fountain - 371m - office-company - 439mIdam Stationsdreef, 195 office-interior_design - 472mVermaut Anne - Thoen Marc - interieurarchitecten Stationsdreef, 209 8800 Roeselare office-architect - 190mB.A.U. Handelsstraat, 78 office-architect - 368mKlou architecten Stationsdreef, 115 ski_school - 481mMont Blanc Stationsdreef, 213 office-advertising_agency - 449mStudio El Tigre Godshuislaan, 63-65 office-yes - 459mDiensten Aan Huis Godshuislaan, 94 religious offices - 449mHuis van de Mens (humanist) Godshuislaan, 92 shop-hairdresser_supply - 552mAmphore Haircosmetics Stationsdreef, 160 office-design - 384mGrafisch Bureau Carl Soete Stationsdreef, 128 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with