On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Erasmusplein: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Erasmusplein Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 3m - Erasmusplein Parking - 322m - - private access Herbert Hooverplein, 9 Parking - 384m - - private access Tiensestraat, 41 Parking - 241m - - private access Theresianengang Parking - 270m - - private access Bogaardenstraat, 11 Parking - 142m - - public access - no fee Ravenstraat, 42 Parking - 75m - - private access Ravenstraat, 19 Parking - 24m - Ravenstraat, 15 Parking - 29m - - private access Erasmusplein Parking - 54m - - private access Erasmusplein Parking - 48m - Erasmusplein Parking - 350m - - fee Lepelstraat, 44A Parking - 380m - Louis Melsensstraat, 3 Parking - 333m - - private access Maria-Theresiastraat, 34A Parking - 288m - - public access - fee Maria-Theresiastraat, 34A Parking - 207mParking Ladeuze - MyPark - public access - fee Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Parking - 277m - - public access - fee Maria-Theresiastraat, 24 Parking Entrance - 206m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Parking Entrance - 381m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 31 Parking Entrance - 363m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 parking space - 157m - - private access Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 parking space - 378m - - fee Bondgenotenlaan, 63 parking space - 376m - Louis Melsensstraat, 1 parking space - 353m - - fee Lepelstraat, 62 parking space - 289m - Maria-Theresiastraat, 34A parking space - 287m - Maria-Theresiastraat, 34 parking space - 163m - - private access Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 parking space - 168m - - private access Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32Financial Services Bank - 155mAXA Bank Koning Leopold I-straat, 4 3000 Leuven Bank - 397mvdk bank Louis Melsensstraat, 11 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 85 18 10 Opening hours: Mo 09:00-12:00,15:00-19:00; Tu 15:00-17:00; We,Th 09:00-12:00; Fr 09:00-12:00,15:00-17:00 Bank - 295mEuropabank Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 25 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:30-13:00, Mo-We,Fr 14:00-17:00, Th 14:00-18:30; Sa,Su off Bank - 271mKBC Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 15 3000 Leuven ATM - 358m - - B-post Jan Stasstraat, 12Education University - 90mGroepspraktijk voor Huisartsen Blijde-Inkomststraat, 15 3000 Leuven University - 357mDe Valk 3 - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 41 3000 Leuven University - 375mPsychologisch Instituut - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 102 3000 Leuven University - 321mHerbert-Hooverhuis - KU Leuven Herbert Hooverplein, 9 3000 Leuven University - 165mMgr.Romerohuis - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 3000 Leuven University - 329mSeminarie Leo XIII - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 112 3000 Leuven University - 329mLeo XIII-Professorengebouw - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 112 3000 Leuven University - 290mHuis Warny - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 124 3000 Leuven University - 299mSint-Franciscus-huis - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 120 3000 Leuven University - 292mVesalius Aula Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 11 3000 Leuven University - 106mBabel - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 13 3000 Leuven University - 116mSteunpunt NT2 - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 9 3000 Leuven University - 137mF.Verbiestproject - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 3 3000 Leuven University - 127mEuropahuis - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 5 3000 Leuven University - 100mSociale-Zekerheidsrecht - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 19 3000 Leuven University - 121mHuis Mgr. Janssens - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 7 3000 Leuven University - 97mUitbreiding Rechtsgeleerdheid - KU LEUVEN Blijde-Inkomststraat, 17 3000 Leuven University - 229mSagalassos - KU Leuven Maria-Theresiastraat, 21-001/002 3000 Leuven University - 150mMagazijn Ravenstraat, 46 3000 Leuven University - 178mErasmushuis - KU Leuven Blijde-Inkomststraat, 21 3000 Leuven University - 94mMgr. Sencie Instituut - KU Leuven Erasmusplein, 2 3000 Leuven University - 244mGascabine Letteren Maria-Theresiastraat, 23 3000 Leuven University - 247mAugusta de Creefthuis - KU Leuven Maria-Theresiastraat, 23 3000 Leuven University - 360mAppartementen-Ingang Mgr. Ladeuzeplein, 30 3000 Leuven School - 401mVTI Brabançonnestraat 3000 Leuven driving school - 492mRijschool Mercator Blijde-Inkomststraat, 80 Phone: +32 16 23 28 29 Opening hours: Mo,Th 10:00-18:30; Tu,We 10:00-16:00; Fr 10:00-13:00; Sa 09:00-13:00Shopping Bookstore - 257mAcco Maria-Theresiastraat, 2;4 Phone: +32 16 29 11 00 Email: boekhandel@acco.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 Bookstore - 334mPLATO Herbert Hooverplein, 26 Bookstore - 328mBoekarest Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 12 3000 Leuven Supermarket - 425mSpar Tiensestraat, 166 Phone: +32 16 14 02 80 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 08:00-19:30 Alcohol - 260mMagnus Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 22 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00 Optician - 284mOptiek Vivantia - Vivantia CVBA Koning Leopold I-straat, 34 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 31 44 80 Email: optiek.leuven@vivantia.be Je wilt het leven meemaken, niets missen, en daarom alles scherp zien! Je wilt de belangrijkste, mooiste en kostbaarste momenten in je leven ten volle beleven. Bij Vivanta hebben we daar oog voor! Optician - 394mHans Anders Diestsestraat, 143 3000 Leuven Shoes - 420mBig Jimm Diestsestraat, 132 3000 Leuven Stationery - 410mInk 'n Dry Diestsestraat, 130 3000 Leuven interior decoration - 441mOn/Off Diestsestraat, 161 3000 Leuven Gifts shop - 430mPalbu Diestsestraat, 134 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 250mC&A Bondgenotenlaan, 70 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 2 257 65 20 Opening hours: Mo-Th 10:00-18:00; Fr 09:30-18:00; Sa 10:00-18:30 Clothes shop - 351mNOVA Bondgenotenlaan, 82 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 497 32 50 31 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:30-18:00 Clothes shop - 386mCKS Fashion Diestsestraat, 145 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 339mLingerie Elly Bondgenotenlaan, 80 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 81 06 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 293mMarie Méro Concept Store Bondgenotenlaan, 93 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 265mBeximp Bondgenotenlaan, 87 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 263mCaroll Bondgenotenlaan, 66 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 254mMana loa Bondgenotenlaan, 68 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 14:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 316mZara Bondgenotenlaan, 75-79 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 352mH&M Bondgenotenlaan, 63 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Clothes shop - 374mBellerose Bondgenotenlaan, 63-65 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 58 42 58 Clothes shop - 347mAtelier Roosen Jan Stasstraat, 18 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 387mCaroline Biss Bondgenotenlaan, 56 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 355mGreat at 8 Jan Stasstraat, 8 3000 Leuven Clothes shop - 321mLes Petits Riens Spullenhulp Bondgenotenlaan, 97 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:30-18:00 Hairdresser - 275mAyso Herbert Hooverplein, 21 Hairdresser - 385mJozef & Jason Kapsalon Louis Melsensstraat, 1 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 465 68 36 70 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-19:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 Hairdresser - 360mSizoo Lepelstraat, 44A 3000 Leuven Hairdresser - 353mLiberty Hair Diestsestraat, 124 3000 Leuven Hairdresser - 391mDQ-Hairstyling Louis Melsensstraat, 7 3000 Leuven Electronics - 549mVerbist Diestsestraat, 156 3000 Leuven Mobile Phones - 349mBelgafone Bondgenotenlaan, 101 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 470 99 17 67 Opening hours: Mo-Sa: 10:00-18:00 Mobile Phones - 362m5G Phones Bondgenotenlaan, 84 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 466 13 41 81 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:30 Furniture - 346mNuances Home Decoration Koning Leopold I-straat, 44 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:30-18:00 Furniture - 387mL'étude Interior Koning Leopold I-straat, 50 3000 Leuven Email: interior@letude.be Newsagent - 284mCajephi Bondgenotenlaan, 83 3000 Leuven Confectionery - 361mWhisk Eight Louis Melsensstraat, 14 3000 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:30-18:00; Sa 12:30-18:00 beauty shop - 387mBeautiful Nails by Linde Louis Melsensstraat, 3 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 85 78 Florist - 483mDe Plantrekkers Bondgenotenlaan, 90 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 478 58 67 12 Opening hours: Mo 14:00-18:00; Tu,Th-Sa 10:00-18:00; We 10:30-18:00 Tobacco - 506mVaporshop Bondgenotenlaan, 94 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 84 86 70 toys shop - 402mVilla Popcorn Louis Melsensstraat, 17 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 496 48 35 40 Email: info@villapopcorn.be Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00 Medical supply - 264mThuiszorgwinkel Koning Leopold I-straat, 34 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 31 49 10 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30, Mo-We,Fr 13:15-17:30, Th 13:15-16:30 curtains shop - 623mQurtinz Inspiration House Bondgenotenlaan, 135 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 473 37 34 38 Email: info@qurtinz.be Opening hours: We 13:30-17:00 Butchery - 361mMediteranee Maria-Theresiastraat, 47 3000 Leuven Grocery - 330mMediterranee Maria-Theresiastraat, 52 Convenience shop - 298mSherpa Nachtwinkel Tiensestraat, 113 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Su 18:00-23:00 copyshop - 50mCopy De Raaf Ravenstraat, 25 3000 Leuven Email: info@deraaf.be dry cleaning - 526mDe Gouden Draad Tiensestraat, 167 Computers shop - 540mEricom Tiensestraat, 182 Phone: +32 16 23 77 55 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00; PH,Su,Mo off Bakery - 280mvleugels Maria-Theresiastraat Bakery - 284mAu Flan Breton Tiensestraat, 132-136 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 81 90 72 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 07:00-18:00; Su 07:00-13:00; PH 07:00-13:00 Bakery - 280mKaya Bakkerij Bondgenotenlaan, 91 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 06:00-19:00 Bicycles - 422mBike Services Tiensestraat, 153 Phone: +32 16 42 13 01 Email: bikeservices@yahoo.com antiques shop - 666mLove it or hate it Vital Decosterstraat, 26 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Th-Sa 13:00-18:00 Shop - 371mManifest Paradise Diestsestraat, 120 Shop - 374mCasa Djua Diestsestraat, 114 Department store - 422mHEMA Diestsestraat, 98 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00 Chemist - 309mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Bondgenotenlaan, 95 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00 Jewelry - 395mMaison d'Or Diestsestraat, 151 3000 Leuven variety store - 582mSoLow Diestsestraat, 93 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 59 00 50 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00 outdoor shop - 487mAS Adventure Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 37 Leuven Sports Shop - 518mSports Direct Diestsestraat, 70 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 89 13 02 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 09:30-18:30 tailor - 484mIn de gouden hand Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 11 3000 Leuven houseware - 327mDille & Kamille Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 27-28 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 36 03 61 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:30 laundry - 457mNemo's Wash Tiensestraat, 67 3000 Leuven Email: info@lovinghut.be Tea - 455mDe Theewinkel Leopold Vanderkelenstraat, 41 Leuven music shop - 423mBilbo Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 2 3000 Leuven cosmetics shop - 444mDouglas Bondgenotenlaan, 55 kitchen shop - 355mKeuken Boutique Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 10 3000 LeuvenEating and Drinking Fast food - 257mNew Way Maria-Theresiastraat, 2 Fast food - 376mMcDonald's Bondgenotenlaan, 86 3000 Leuven Fast food - 298mVesalius Vesaliusplein Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:00-23:00; Sa 14:00-23:00 Fast food - 385mCheekofte & Wraps Diestsestraat, 128 Fast food - 269mPiccolo Bondgenotenlaan, 89 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 29 42 84 Fast food - 389mKabab Sahtain Louis Melsensstraat, 5 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 467 69 70 22 Opening hours: Mo-Su 11:00-22:30 Restaurant - 57mTokio Sushi Bar Ravenstraat, 19 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 350m't Academisch kwartier - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 41 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-14:00 Restaurant - 308mDal Pesce Innamorato Bogaardenstraat, 81 Phone: +32 2 808 25 20 Opening hours: Mo-Su 11:30-14:30,17:30-22:30 Restaurant - 376mBuddha House Tiensestraat, 79 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 95 00 Opening hours: Tu-Su 12:00-14:30,17:00-22:00 Restaurant - 337mThai Time Tiensestraat, 135 Phone: +32 468 52 18 52 Restaurant - 258mWise Guys Leuven Tiensestraat, 176 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 472 98 15 00 Restaurant - 328mHet Strand Tiensestraat, 138 3000 Restaurant - 250mFuji Tiensestraat, 119 Phone: +32 16 41 38 04 Email: info@fuji-sushi.be Opening hours: Mo-Su 11:30-14:00,17:00-22:00 Restaurant - 320mTaste of Fresh Tiensestraat, 131 Phone: +32 16 88 07 66 Restaurant - 399m - Diestsestraat, 128 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 373mStudio 31 Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 31 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu,Sa,Su 12:00-23:00; Mo,We-Fr 16:00-23:00 Restaurant - 240mAlma 1 - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 115 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:00-14:30,17:00-20:00; Sa 12:00-14:00 Restaurant - 63mDe Appel Ravenstraat, 15 3000 Leuven Restaurant - 248mCoup de Soup Herbert Hooverplein, 15 3000 Leuven Pub - 111mFacbar Letteren Blijde-Inkomststraat, 11 3000 Leuven Pub - 248mCafé Commerce Herbert Hooverplein, 16 3000 Leuven Pub - 379mJeeskesboom Diestsestraat, 147 3000 Leuven Pub - 161mCarlisse Arendstraat, 1 Leuven Pub - 300mDe Leivese Ton Bondgenotenlaan, 60 3000 Leuven Cafe - 101mPlant Dragon Bogaardenstraat, 24 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 11:00-18:00 Cafe - 388mCoffee & Bagel Jozef II-straat, 1 Phone: +32 2 808 25 20 Opening hours: Mo,Tu,Th,Fr 09:00-15:00; We 09:00-12:00 Cafe - 371mAlaboneur Herbert Hooverplein, 26 3000 Cafe - 309mLe Mustache Tiensestraat, 129 Email: info@lemustache.be Opening hours: Mo 11:00-18:00; Tu-Th 09:00-18:00; Fr 09:00-17:00; Sa 09:00-15:00; Su 10:00-15:00 Cafe - 360mCafé2Go Diestsestraat, 122 3000 Leuven Cafe - 188mMadmum Maria-Theresiastraat Cafe - 278mDoka Bondgenotenlaan, 83 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 483 54 63 40 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 11:30-19:00; Sa 11:30-22:00; Su 11:30-17:00 Cafe - 381mSO the best of both worlds Herbert Hooverplein, 4 3000 Leuven Cafe - 344mKoffiehuis Java Jan Stasstraat, 20 3000 Leuven food court - 314mFood Central Tiensestraat, 142 3000 LeuvenTransport Bicycle Parking - 94m - - public access - no fee Willemsstraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 381m - Tiensestraat, 164 Bicycle Parking - 391m - Tiensestraat, 164 Bicycle Parking - 219m - - no fee Tiensestraat, 115 Bicycle Parking - 157m - Blijde-Inkomststraat, 10 Bicycle Parking - 376m - Tiensestraat, 93 Bicycle Parking - 378m - Bicycle Parking - 392m - - no fee Diestsestraat, 147 Bicycle Parking - 341m - - no fee Koning Leopold I-straat, 44 Bicycle Parking - 143m - - private access - no fee Blijde-Inkomststraat, 28 Bicycle Parking - 315m - - Stad Leuven - no fee Ravenstraat, 86 Bicycle Parking - 267m - - Stad Leuven - no fee Bogaardenstraat, 79 Bicycle Parking - 150m - - Stad Leuven - no fee Bogaardenstraat, 55 Bicycle Parking - 358m - - private access Brabançonnestraat, 18 Bicycle Parking - 347m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Bicycle Parking - 235m - Maria-Theresiastraat, 2 Bicycle Parking - 286m - Blijde-Inkomststraat, 44 Bicycle Parking - 374m - - no fee Diestsestraat, 124 Bicycle Parking - 393m - - no fee Jan Stasstraat, 1 Bicycle Parking - 131m - - Stad Leuven - public access - no fee Ravenstraat, 37 Bicycle Parking - 364m - Tiensestraat, 41 Bicycle Parking - 359m - - no fee Lepelstraat, 66 Bicycle Parking - 372m - - no fee Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Bicycle Parking - 355m - - no fee Jan Stasstraat, 8 Bicycle Parking - 103m - - no fee Arendstraat, 9 Bicycle Parking - 153m - - no fee Arendstraat, 1 Bicycle Parking - 113m - - KU Leuven - no fee Blijde-Inkomststraat, 21 Bicycle Parking - 95m - - Stad Leuven - public access - no fee Bogaardenstraat, 34 Bicycle Rental - 467mSwapfiets Tiensestraat, 65 Opening hours: Mo,Th-Sa 12:00-17:30; Tu 12:00-19:00Other office-water_utility - 292mDe Watergroep Herbert Hooverplein, 23 3000 Leuven Fountain - 323mWaterspeelfontein - Stad Leuven Herbert Hooverplein Toilets - 166m - - public access Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Toilets - 326m - - no fee Tiensestraat, 138 Toilets - 342m - - no fee Tiensestraat, 138 Toilets - 319m - - no fee Tiensestraat, 142 Social Facility - 528mWoonzorgcentrum Booghuys Vlamingenstraat, 3 Vending Machine - 169m - Blijde-Inkomststraat, 32 Vending Machine - 378m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat Vending Machine - 363m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 Vending Machine - 383m - Blijde-Inkomststraat, 60 Vending Machine - 281m - Maria-Theresiastraat, 22 Vending Machine - 354m - Tiensestraat, 41 Vending Machine - 381m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 31 Waste Basket - 170m - Koning Leopold I-straat, 10 Waste Basket - 395m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 4 Waste Basket - 395m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 2 Waste Basket - 392m - Diestsestraat, 128 Waste Basket - 323m - Tiensestraat, 118 Waste Basket - 237m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Waste Basket - 255m - Herbert Hooverplein, 16 Waste Basket - 286m - Bondgenotenlaan, 66 Waste Basket - 281m - Bondgenotenlaan, 83 Waste Basket - 353m - Bondgenotenlaan, 63 Waste Basket - 374m - Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Waste Basket - 399m - Bondgenotenlaan, 56 Waste Basket - 389m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 6 Waste Basket - 382m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 8 Waste Basket - 373m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 Waste Basket - 221m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein Waste Basket - 179m - Koning Leopold I-straat, 1 Waste Basket - 306m - Bondgenotenlaan, 95 Waste Basket - 309m - Bondgenotenlaan, 74 shop-games - 551mThe Hub Game Lounge Burgemeestersstraat, 26 employment agency offices - 374mSynergy@Work Koning Leopold I-straat, 48 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30 employment agency offices - 377mPlanet Group Interim Bondgenotenlaan, 105 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 29 40 00 employment agency offices - 377mJobconnection Diestsestraat, 114 3000 Leuven shop-leather - 313mParis Londres Bondgenotenlaan, 76 3000 Leuven shop-leather - 366mL.G. Bags Diestsestraat, 120 3000 Leuven office-lawyer - 170mHamels & Partners Koning Leopold I-straat, 20 3000 Leuven office-lawyer - 188mModero Koning Leopold I-straat, 1 3000 Leuven office-lawyer - 225mAnouk De Vleeshouwer Koning Leopold I-straat, 28 3000 Leuven Charging Station - 487m - - Allego - public access - fee Justus Lipsiusstraat, 1 Opening hours: 24/7 parcel_locker - 487m - - bpost Pierre Joseph Van Benedenstraat, 11 Opening hours: 24/7 office-estate_agent - 252mCentury 21 Herbert Hooverplein, 14 3000 Leuven office-estate_agent - 398mImmo Jan Stas Jan Stasstraat, 3 3000 Leuven Email: info@immojanstas.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-13:00,14:00-17:00 office-estate_agent - 357mImmo Verimass Louis Melsensstraat, 4-8 3000 Leuven Email: j.geuth@verimass.be shop-chocolate - 346mLeonidas Jan Stasstraat, 20 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 23 95 57 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 shop-chocolate - 365mTartufo Louis Melsensstraat, 14 3000 Leuven office-advertising_agency - 142mMinsky Koning Leopold I-straat, 18 3000 Leuven Email: info@minsky.be office-association - 197mBrabants Apothekers Forum Koning Leopold I-straat, 24 3000 Leuven office-association - 392mACLVB Leuven Jan Stasstraat, 5-7 3000 Leuven office-association - 276mChristelijke Mutualiteit Koning Leopold I-straat, 34 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00 public bookcase - 339mMussenstraat - Stad Leuven Ravenstraat, 88 Opening hours: 24/7 parking_exit - 208m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein waste disposal - 558m - Andreas Vesaliusstraat, 4 shop-flooring - 494mParketvloeren ’t Interieurke Tiensestraat, 165 Phone: +32 16 23 43 80 Email: info@interieurkeleuven.be Opening hours: Tu-Fr 13:00-18:30, Tu-Sa 10:00-12:00, Sa 13:00-17:00 mobility_hub - 557mQuinten Metsysplein - Hoppin Burgemeesterstraat, 50 Bicycle repair - 97mVelo Fix Station MSI - KU Leuven - no fee Blijde-Inkomststraat, 5 Bicycle repair - 205m - - KU Leuven Tiensestraat, 115 office-notary - 172mNotaris Tom Wilsens Koning Leopold I-straat, 5 3000 Leuven shop-keys - 387mSleutelmaker.be Diestsestraat, 149 3000 Leuven Recycling - 186m - Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein shop-rental - 467mSwapfiets Tiensestraat, 65 Opening hours: Mo,Th-Sa 12:00-17:30; Tu 12:00-19:00 Drinking Water - 404m - shop-locksmith - 586mMister Minit Bondgenotenlaan, 23 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-14:00,14:30-18:00; Sa 10:00-14:00,14:30-17:50 office-tax_advisor - 350mImmotheker Jan Stasstraat, 14 3000 Leuven shop-perfumery - 473mICI PARIS XL - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Bondgenotenlaan, 45 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00; PH off shop-telecommunication - 296mTelenet Bondgenotenlaan, 74 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 90 57 70 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-18:00 shop-telecommunication - 342mTelenet Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 11 3000 Leuven Ice Cream - 421mDecadenza Gelateria Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 4 Leuven office-architect - 371mDelta Vander Avort Architecten Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein, 9 3000 Leuven Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with