On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Dehaernestraat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Dehaernestraat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Clothes shop - 165mLovely Boomgaardstraat, 36 8900 Ieper Clothes shop - 386mLolaLiza Boterstraat, 2-4 Phone: +32 57 38 82 58 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Bakery - 485mSchotte Vandenpeereboomplein, 11 Jewelry - 541mBastior - Tine Dervaux Tempelstraat, 13 8900 Ieper Phone: +32 473 49 29 13 Email: info@bastior.be Opening hours: Tu 09:30-12:30,14:00-18:00; We 14:00-18:00; Fr 09:30-12:30,13:30-17:00; Sa 09:30-17:00 second hand shop - 231mDe Kringwinkel West Rijselstraat, 40 8900 Ieper Phone: +32 78 15 50 05 Email: info@kringwinkelwest.be Opening hours: Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00,13:00-17:45; Sa 09:00-12:00,13:00-15:45 Bookstore - 356m - Grote Markt Bookstore - 375mStandaard Boekhandel Grote Markt, 37 Medical supply - 285mDe Prêtre orthopedie Rijselstraat, 13 Tobacco - 681mTommy's Menenstraat, 4 8900 Ieper Phone: +32 57 20 76 00 Supermarket - 175mSpar Rijselstraat, 72 8900 Ieper Butchery - 250mSlagerij Rudi en Sandra Rijselstraat, 16 Hairdresser - 223mLucy Arsenaalstraat, 29 8900 Ieper Hairdresser - 304mEnyoi - immaculata Rijselstraat, 73 8900 Ieper Shoes - 596mZecchino d'Oro Boterstraat, 54 8900 Ieper Chemist - 443mKruidvat - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Boterstraat, 18;20 8900 Ieper Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:30; PH off Shop - 412mPapyro Boterstraat, 17 8900 IeperEating and Drinking Pub - 17mHappy Days Dehaernestraat, 24 8900 Ieper Pub - 383mDe Valk Rijselstraat, 104 8900 Ieper Pub - 354m't Genoegen Vismarkt, 1 Pub - 258mDe Paljas Kiekenmarkt, 4 8900 Ieper Opening hours: Mo-Su 16:00-24:00 Pub - 293mCharlies Kiekenmarkt, 6 Pub - 246mThe Roxy Boomgaardstraat, 24 8900 Ieper Pub - 225mKaffee Bazaar Boomgaardstraat, 9 8900 Ieper Opening hours: We-Su 16:00-3:00 Pub - 227mPita Agadir Rijselstraat, 42 8900 Ieper Restaurant - 293mRegina Grote Markt, 45 8900 Ieper Phone: +32 57 21 88 88 Email: info@hotelregina.be Restaurant - 393mMarktcafé Les Halles Grote Markt, 35 Restaurant - 373mMuseum cafe Grote Markt Restaurant - 311mOlijfje Boomgaardstraat, 10 8900 Ieper Restaurant - 333m't klein verschil - Immaculata Rijselstraat, 79 8900 Ieper Fast food - 409mFrituur Pitstop Boterstraat, 14 Cafe - 314mIzyCoffee Neermarkt, 5 Opening hours: Mo-Su 08:00-18:00 Cafe - 327mAux Trois Savoyards Neermarkt, 7 Bar - 424m - Vandenpeereboomplein, 1Other Waste Basket - 509m - Coombspad Recycling - 313m - Arsenaalstraat shop-chocolate - 312mPeter De Groote Chocolaterie Grote Markt, 43 8900 Ieper Phone: +32 57 21 73 06 Fountain - 304m - Grote Markt Shelter - 515m - Rijselstraat bus_stop - 596m(null) Grote Markt Vending Machine - 167m - Boomgaardstraat, 19B Vending Machine - 284m - Boomgaardstraat, 3 shop-rental - 320mChez Marie Neermarkt, 6 Phone: +32 57 20 02 06 Email: info@chezmarie-ieper.be Toilets - 368m - Sint-Maartensplein, 3 shop-telecommunication - 743mProximus Shop Menenstraat, 14 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 shop-perfumery - 423mICI PARIS XL - AS Watson Health & Beauty Benelux Boterstraat, 14 8900 Ieper Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00; PH off Ice Cream - 275mIl Gusto D'Italia Grote Markt, 49;51 8900 Ieper Phone: +32 57 21 73 06 shop-sewing - 255mVeritas Grote Markt, 47 bicycle_library - 542mFietsbieb Sint-Jacobsnieuwweg, 17 Email: ieper@fietsbieb.be Opening hours: We[2] 16:00-18:30 open "tweede woensdag"; PH off Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with