On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Brouwershof: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Brouwershof Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 111m - Noordervest, 26 Parking - 332mParking 5 Kloosterstraat Kloosterstraat, 46 Parking - 222m - Kerkstraat, 16 Parking - 283m - Kerkstraat, 24 Parking - 292m - Markt, 19 Parking - 222m - Kerkstraat, 13 Parking - 289m - Kloosterstraat, 16-24 Parking - 366m - Kloosterstraat, 16-24 Parking - 289m - Kerkstraat Parking - 261m - Noordervest Parking - 228m - Noordervest Parking - 273m - Noordervest Parking - 309m - Noordervest, 5 Parking - 340m - Kerkstraat, 34 Parking - 196m - Markt Parking - 285m - Kiezel Kleine Brogel, 15B,15C Parking - 150mParking 2 Noordervest Kuipersplein Parking - 152m - Noordervest, 24 Parking - 164m - Kerkstraat, 18 Parking - 222m - Noordervest Parking - 344mParking 7 Markt - public access - no fee Markt Parking - 393m - Noordervest, 56A Parking - 390m - Valkstraat Parking - 289m - Noordervest Parking - 252m - Noordervest, 25 Parking - 209m - Noordervest, 40A Parking - 384m - Noordervest, 52 Parking - 326m - Bessemhoek Parking - 198m - Noordervest Car Wash - 354mWash Merelstraat Gas station - 315mTotalEnergies - Total Kiezel Kleine Brogel, 17 3990 Peer Phone: +32 11 63 67 22Shopping Hairdresser - 145mBarberbar Kerkstraat, 1 3990 Peer Dubbelhuis Hairdresser - 262mBarberbar Markt, 22 3990 Peer Shoes - 200mBeto Kerkstraat, 16 Shoes - 333mBelle Scarpe+ Kerkstraat, 34 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 10:00-12:00, 13:30-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 Beverages - 409mDe Bierkruier Armand Preud'hommeplein, 4-6 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 09:00-12:30,13:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 Convenience shop - 333m - Kiezel Kleine Brogel, 17 3990 Peer funeral directors - 138mDe Steen Kerkstraat, 8 funeral directors - 210mJaeken Kerkstraat, 16 funeral directors - 178mJaeken Kerkstraat, 9-11 Clothes shop - 126mExtravagant Kerkstraat, 8 Clothes shop - 187mYum / Yum Kerkstraat, 9-11 Bakery - 168mGeusens Kerkstraat, 12 Phone: +32 11 63 19 65 Opening hours: We-Fr 08:00-18:00; Sa 08:00-17:00; Su 08:00-12:30 Stationery - 278mHendrix Kerkstraat, 24 Florist - 198m - Kerkstraat, 9-11 Butchery - 258mCornelissen Kerkstraat, 19 Optician - 343mPearle Markt second hand shop - 683mKringwinkel Chique De Friemel Oudestraat, 13 3990 Phone: +32 11 60 43 73 Email: chique.peer@debiehalstc.be Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-17:30 Supermarket - 541mAlvo De Bogaerd, 3 3990 Peer Phone: +32 11 63 46 01 Bookstore - 648mStandaard Boekhandel Oudestraat, 7 Phone: +32 11 54 27 92 Email: sb.peer@standaardboekhandel.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:30,13:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-18:00; PH off Electronics - 214mRinkes Rudi Markt, 12 Phone: +32 11 63 21 14 interior decoration - 224mMetamorphose Markt, 13 Newsagent - 155mHuis Was - Creemers Markt, 8 Phone: +32 11 63 21 15 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00, 13:30-18:00; Sa 08:00-12:00, 13:30-16:00Other Charging Station - 354m - - stad Peer Kloosterstraat, 23 office-insurance - 334mFintro Markt, 28 Fountain - 375m - Drossaardplein, 8 Waste Basket - 182m - Markt, 9B1 Waste Basket - 371m - Armand Preud'hommeplein Waste Basket - 248m - Kerkstraat, 17 Waste Basket - 324m - Kerkstraat Waste Basket - 290m - Kerkstraat, 21 Waste Basket - 369m - Markt, 31 Waste Basket - 386m - Markt Waste Basket - 323m - Markt Waste Basket - 294m - Markt Waste Basket - 247m - Markt Waste Basket - 254m - Markt Waste Basket - 219m - Markt Waste Basket - 197m - Kerkstraat, 16 Shelter - 138m - Noordervest, 38 Shelter - 311m - Kiezel Kleine Brogel Bicycle repair - 115m - - public access - no fee Markt, 5 Opening hours: 24/7 Vending Machine - 212m - Kerkstraat, 13 events_venue - 283mDe Wissel - De Voorzorg Markt, 19 events_venue - 285mFeestzaal 't Kabinet Kerkstraat, 21 office-physician - 455mDaphne Hermans Armand Preud'hommeplein, 3 shop-windows - 357mBelisol Markt, 31 Ice Cream - 406mVanille & Co Markt, 33 3990 Peer Veterinary - 610mDierenarts Hilde Witters Oudestraat, 1 b 1 3990 Phone: +32 11 64 15 00 office-health_insurance - 286m - - De Voorzorg Markt, 19 shop-perfumery - 178mDavids Markt, 9B1 Drinking Water - 184m - - public access - fee Markt, 9B1 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with