On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Boghe of Brandgang: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Boghe of Brandgang Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Education School - 73mSint-Pieterscollege (christian - catholic) Minderbroedersstraat, 13 3000 Leuven School - 351mHeilige Drievuldigheidscollege Parijsstraat School - 83mHollands College - KU Leuven Pater Damiaanplein, 9 Leuven School - 102mParidaensinstituut Janseniusstraat, 2 Phone: +32 16 20 26 55 Kleuter, lager en secundair onderwijs University - 109mThe Leuven Institute for Ireland In Europe Janseniusstraat, 1 Leuven Phone: +32 16 31 04 30 University - 319mEygen Heerd - KU Leuven Minderbroedersstraat, 5 3000 Leuven University - 274mMinderbroedersgebouw - KU Leuven Waaistraat, 6 3000 Leuven University - 285mSint-Jan Berchmans - KU Leuven Parijsstraat, 72B 3000 Leuven University - 220mJustus Lipsiuscollege - KU Leuven Minderbroedersstraat, 15 University - 301mJustus Lipsiuscollege - KU Leuven Minderbroedersstraat, 15 University - 292mUZ-Rega-Instituut-x Minderbroedersstraat, 10x 3000 Leuven University - 123mJ.L. Vives International Residence - KU Leuven Pater Damiaanplein, 10Shopping Clothes shop - 418mTwits Parijsstraat, 52 3000 Leuven Supermarket - 402mOxfam Wereldwinkel Parijsstraat, 56 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Convenience shop - 343m - Parijsstraat, 72 Convenience shop - 354mLama Night Shop Minderbroedersstraat, 62/0001 Hairdresser - 410mTres & Bles Redingenstraat, 33 art shop - 374m't Rood Huys Parijsstraat, 62/0001 3000 Leuven Bookstore - 388mOxfam Bookshop Leuven Parijsstraat, 60 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 tattoo - 267mMundus Tatoo Schapenstraat, 4 Beverages - 656mHops 'N More Parijsstraat, 27 3000 Leuven Email: info@hopsnmore.com Gifts shop - 719mOil & Vinegar Parijsstraat, 17 3000 Leuven Grocery - 749m't Natuurtje Brusselsestraat, 20 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 20 23 18 Email: info@natuurtje.be Opening hours: Mo-Fr 07:30-18:30; Sa 08:00-17:00; PH off cosmetics shop - 744mDi Brusselsestraat, 22 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00 Tobacco - 753mThe Vape Brusselsestraat, 18 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 81 99 70 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 music shop - 639mSax Parijsstraat, 31 3000 Leuven laundry - 556mNemo's Wash II Parijsstraat, 43 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 20 20 56 Opening hours: Mo-Su 07:00-23:00 massage shop - 508mThai Massage Parijsstraat, 42 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 491 75 14 79 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 11:00-20:00; Su 12:00-19:00 Optician - 711mPearle Brusselsestraat, 36 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00 Mobile Phones - 716mGSM Leuven Brusselsestraat, 34 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 465 10 40 00 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00Other employment agency offices - 210mMise en Place Leuven | Horeca Uitzendbureau Parijsstraat, 76 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 58 42 00 Opening hours: Mo-Su 09:00-18:00 office-architect - 185mArchitectengroep A4 Pater Damiaanplein, 6 Social Facility - 158mWoonzorgcentrum Dijlehof Minderbroedersstraat 3000 Leuven student_accommodation - 414m - - Xior Minderbroedersstraat, 19 NGO offices - 274mRode Kruis Vlaanderen Leuven Onze-Lieve-Vrouwstraat, 40 Toilets - 117m - Boghe of Brandgang Shelter - 290m - Refugehof Tuinpavilioen van het Instituut van de Goede Herder shop-cheese - 150mKaas Coosemans Redingenhof, 4 Drinking Water - 247mDijle-eend - De Watergroep - no fee Redingenstraat Vending Machine - 406m - Redingenstraat, 33 Recycling - 440m - Prosper Poulletlaan mobility_hub - 291mRefugehof - Hoppin Refugehof shop-beekeeper;honey - 330mNectar Janseniusstraat, 10 Phone: +32 16 22 84 54 Email: info.nectar@skynet.be Opening hours: We,Fr,Sa 09:30-12:00,13:00-18:00 Bicycle repair - 247mSoigneur Pater Damiaanplein, 1 The cycling themed bar “De Soigneur” has some bike I repair tools at hand, ask at the bar. Opening hours: Tu-Sa 11:00-20:00;Su 11:00-18:00 Waste Basket - 345m - Refugehof Waste Basket - 369m - Parijsstraat, 62/0001 Waste Basket - 383m - Drinkwaterstraat office-association - 632mLeuvens Historisch Genootschap vzw Brusselsestraat, 46 shop-telecommunication - 573mNamastecom Brusselsestraat, 57 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 20 89 83 Opening hours: Mo-Su 09:30-18:30 sport-swimming;multi;soccer - 174mSporthal Sint-Pieterscollege Minderbroedersstraat office-estate_agent - 491mTorox Collegeberg, 16 3000 Leuven parcel_locker - 429m - - bpost Sint-Barbarastraat, 4 Opening hours: 24/7 shop-shoe_repair - 728m't Schoenmakerke Parijsstraat, 15 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 498 63 09 25 office-company - 743mMR10 Consulting bvba Brusselsestraat, 22 karaoke_box - 528mBaraoke Oude Markt, 37 3000 Leuven office-lawyer - 730mJohan Bruyninckx Franz Tielemanslaan, 12 shop-home_decoration;linen - 700mIn het Woud Brusselsestraat, 36/38/40 3000 Leuven Opening hours: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Boghe of Brandgang