On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Baliestraat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Baliestraat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Other Waste Basket - 199m - Sint-Gillisdorpstraat, 39 Waste Basket - 332m - Sint-Claradreef, 2 Waste Basket - 395m - Calvariebergstraat, 41 Waste Basket - 394m - Calvariebergstraat Vending Machine - 120m - Annuntiatenstraat, 49 Vending Machine - 364m - Langerei, 30 Vending Machine - 272m - Collaert Mansionstraat, 23 Vending Machine - 314m - Gouden-Handstraat, 1 Vending Machine - 346m - Annuntiatenstraat, 11 Vending Machine - 140m - Annuntiatenstraat, 54B office-nursing - 55mWit-Gele Kruis West-Vlaanderen Annuntiatenstraat, 47 Phone: +32 50 63 42 00 Email: zorgaanvraagbrugge@wgkwvl.be Charging Station - 270m - - alego - public access - fee Sint-Clarastraat Charging Station - 362m - - public access - fee Sint-Gilliskerkhof, 9 Toilets - 234m - - public access Annuntiatenstraat, 34 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00 Toilets - 353m - - public access - no fee Lange Raamstraat, 5 Opening hours: 24/7 office-notary - 634mVandewiele Notaris Langerei, 2 shop-wholesale - 504mCorona Gouden-Handstraat, 16 Phone: +32 50 33 46 54 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-12:00,13:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-12:00,13:30-17:30 monastery - 502mZwartzusters van Bethel - Zwartzusters van Bethel Brugge (christian - roman_catholic) Oosterlingenplein, 5 letter_box - 310m - Eugeen Van Steenkistestraat, 1i letter_box - 332m - Eugeen Van Steenkistestraat, 1a public bookcase - 185m - Baliestraat, 78 public bookcase - 201mRuilbib 't Reitje - Joannes Rappe Annuntiatenstraat Email: rappe.joannes@telenet.be Opening hours: 24/7 Social Facility - 241m't Reitje - OCMW Brugge Annuntiatenstraat, 34 8000 Brugge Phone: +32 50 32 60 95 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00 Recycling - 217m - Annuntiatenstraat, 34 Opening hours: 24/7 office-insurance - 629mBrandanus-Demuelenaere Komvest office-estate_agent - 640mVastgoed Deneve Komvest, 34A-B Shelter - 704m - Komvest Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with