Home » Brussels-Capital » Uccle - Ukkel » Verrewinkel » Avenue des Hospices - Godshuizenlaan

Avenue des Hospices - Godshuizenlaan, Uccle - Ukkel (Verrewinkel), Brussels-Capital

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Avenue des Hospices - Godshuizenlaan: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Nearest Named Buildings

  • Domaine Latour de Freins - 279 m
    Rue Engeland - Engelandstraat 555

Services near Avenue des Hospices - Godshuizenlaan

Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.

Filter by category:


  • Parking - 456m
    - - private access
    Rue Engeland

Religious Centres

  • Place of Worship - 783m
    Chapelle Hauwaert - Hauwaertkapel (christian)
    Avenue Dolez


Recreation and Sports

  • Tennis - 712m
    - - private access

Eating and Drinking

  • Restaurant - 1093m
    Avenue Dolez, 123
    Phone: +32 2 374 19 74

Public Services

  • Post Box - 187m
    - - bpost
    Avenue Dolez - Dolezlaan, 185
  • Fire Station - 1002m
    PASI Chênaie - VOPO Eikenbos - SIAMU - DBDMH
    Avenue de la Chênaie - Eikenboslaan, 161B
    Phone: +32 2 208 81 11


  • Bicycle Parking - 388m
    - - no fee
    Avenue Dolez


  • Waste Basket - 604m
  • government offices - 581m
    Direction maladies infectieuses et transmissibles - Directie Overdraagbare en besmettelijke ziekten - FOD Volksgezondheid - SPF Santé Publique - FÖD Volksgesundheit
    Rue Engeland - Engelandstraat, 642
  • Shelter - 256m
    Avenue Dolez - Dolezlaan, 191
  • Shelter - 310m
    Avenue Dolez

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Avenue des Hospices - Godshuizenlaan

 OSM Tags

way typetertiary
nameAvenue des Hospices - Godshuizenlaan
name:frAvenue des Hospices