On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Albert Giraudstraat: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Albert Giraudstraat Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 160m - - private access Naamsestraat, 167 Parking - 393m - Schapenstraat Parking - 325m - Schapenstraat Parking - 371mMedionex - private access Isabellaplein, 2 Parking - 358mQ-Park Heilig Hart - Q-Park - public access - fee - supervised Naamsestraat, 102 Opening hours: 24/7 Parking - 326m - - private access Naamsestraat, 176 Parking - 266m - - private access Parking - 237m - - private access Sint-Beggaberg, 5 Parking - 386m - Erasme Ruelensvest, 21 Parking - 380m - - private access Schapenstraat, 143 Parking - 356m - - private access Elzasgang, 7 Parking - 359m - Naamsevest, 62 Parking - 357m - - Stad Leuven - public access - fee Groot Begijnhof, 7 Parking - 389m - - Stad Leuven - public access - fee Schapenstraat, 103 Parking - 259m - - Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis - no fee Parking - 375m - Erasme Ruelensvest, 71 Parking - 307m - - no fee Parking - 365m - - private access Parking - 203m - - private access Sint-Beggaberg, 1 Parking - 180m - Constantin Meunierstraat, 63 Parking - 253m - - Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis - no fee Frans Vermeylenstraat parking space - 503m - Erasme Ruelenspark car sharing - 418mCambio Naamespoort - cambio CarSharing Erasme Ruelensvest, 11 Parking Entrance - 355m - - private access Ooiendonk, 4 Gas station - 490mTotal Tervuursevest 3001 HeverleeShopping Butchery - 582mVan Calster Parkstraat, 113 Stationery - 502mColor Image Naamsesteenweg, 9 3001 Heverlee Florist - 298mFontyne Naamsestraat, 112;112C Newsagent - 180mNour Naamsestraat, 129 estate agent - 298mMoreau - private access Naamsestraat, 166 3000 Phone: +32 16 65 65 65 estate agent - 350mDe Peterman Naamsestraat, 193 craft shop - 342mTABLOO Naamsestraat, 180 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 20 55 29 Email: info@tabloo.be Opening hours: Tu-Fr 13:00-18:30; Sa 10:00-18:00 Hairdresser - 161mWithofs Naamsestraat, 161 Hairdresser - 307mHaute Coiffure Wim Stroobants Naamsestraat, 187 Hairdresser - 208mKapsalon Devos Naamsestraat, 125 Phone: +32 16 22 49 35 Hairdresser - 397mKAKO Hairfashion Tervuursevest, 2 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 42 40 43 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:00-18:30 Hairdresser - 345mCharizma Erasme Ruelensvest, 35-41 Convenience shop - 141mSKY Nightshop Naamsestraat, 141 3000 Leuven Nightshop Opening hours: Mo-Su 18:00-02:00 Electronics - 139mGuido Hoeven Constantin Meunierstraat, 46 Phone: +32 16 23 86 42 interior decoration - 238mWoon-deco Naamsestraat, 130 Bicycles - 200mRijwielen Cadans Naamsestraat, 123 Phone: +32 16 35 59 09 Email: info@cadans.eu Opening hours: Tu-Fr 09:00-13:00,14:00-18:00; Th 09:00-13:00,14:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 Bicycles - 371mLa Souris Naamsestraat, 184;186 Bicycles - 316mLinkBikes Erasme Ruelensvest, 43 laundry - 229mHet Wasmandje Naamsestraat, 130 Bakery - 450mIrina’s Bakery Naamsesteenweg, 1 Furniture - 674mKAST-ID Naamsesteenweg, 34Eating and Drinking Restaurant - 165mKong Fu Ge Hendrik Consciencestraat, 27 Opening hours: Mo,We-Sa 17:00-21:30; Su 14:00-17:00 Restaurant - 281mJagat's Place Naamsestraat, 116 Phone: +32 16 73 44 46 Restaurant - 331mXiongmao Panda Naamsestraat, 176 Opening hours: Mo-Th 17:00-22:00; Fr-Su 11:30-14:30,17:00-22:00 Pub - 394mPoescafé Parkstraat, 14 3000 Leuven Phone: +32 16 41 33 53 Email: info@poescafe.com Opening hours: Tu-We 11:00-18:00; Tu 14:00-18:00; Fr-Sa 11:00-17:00 Cafe - 309mBar Del Sol Schapenstraat, 105 3000 Phone: +32 16 30 99 93 Email: infobardelsol@gmail.com Opening hours: Mo-Su 12:00-01:00 Fast food - 195mSnackhuisje Naamsestraat, 127 Fast food - 300mManhattan Fresh Pizza Naamsestraat, 185 Fast food - 327mNewyork Pizza Naamsevest, 4 3000 Leuven Fast food - 320mDomino's Naamsevest, 8 3000 Leuven Fast food - 274m't Studentje Naamsestraat, 116 3000 Frietkot Opening hours: Mo, Fr 11:30-14:00, 17:00-22:30; Tu-Th 11:30-14:00, 17:00-23:00; Sa-Su 17:00-23:00 Bar - 325mBar Stan Constantin Meunierstraat, 2 Phone: +32 16 88 90 83Transport Bicycle Parking - 16m - Albert Giraudstraat, 21 Bicycle Parking - 362m - - private access Albrechtplein, 2 Bicycle Parking - 371m - - private access Albrechtplein, 1 Bicycle Parking - 399m - - private access Isabellaplein, 2 Bicycle Parking - 104m - Emile Van Arenberghstraat, 36 Bicycle Parking - 80m - Emile Van Arenberghstraat, 32 Bicycle Parking - 69m - Maria Van Belstraat, 6 Bicycle Parking - 132m - Constantin Meunierstraat, 38 Bicycle Parking - 89m - Emile Van Arenberghstraat, 16 Bicycle Parking - 256m - Naamsestraat Bicycle Parking - 287m - - public access - no fee Bicycle Parking - 243m - - Stad Leuven - public access - no fee Hendrik Consciencestraat, 44 Bicycle Parking - 223m - - Stad Leuven - public access - no fee Hendrik Consciencestraat, 44 Bicycle Parking - 300m - - Heilig Hart Ziekehnhuis - public access - no fee Hendrik Consciencestraat Bicycle Parking - 295m - Schapenstraat Bicycle Parking - 314m - - public access - no fee Naamsestraat, 97 Bicycle Parking - 277m - - Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis - private access - no fee Naamsestraat, 99;101 Bicycle Parking - 375m - - no fee Weldadigheidsstraat, 79 Bicycle Parking - 385m - - no fee Weldadigheidsstraat Bicycle Parking - 397m - - no fee Weldadigheidsstraat, 68 Bicycle Parking - 171m - Constantin Meunierstraat, 63 Bicycle Parking - 228m - Frans Vermeylenstraat, 4 Bicycle Parking - 193m - Constantin Meunierstraat, 63 Bicycle Parking - 396m - Van 't Sestichstraat, 25 Bicycle Parking - 378m - Constantin Meunierstraat Bicycle Parking - 367m - - no fee Erasme Ruelensvest, 27 Bicycle Parking - 323m - Naamsevest, 16 Bicycle Parking - 148m - Constantin Meunierstraat, 72 Bicycle Parking - 298m - Erasme Ruelensvest, 47 Bicycle Parking - 352m - Erasme Ruelensvest, 61Other Shelter - 153m - Constantin Meunierstraat, 34 Shelter - 355m - Erasme Ruelensvest, 31 Shelter - 379m - Naamsestraat Shelter - 327m - Naamsestraat, 102A Shelter - 309m - Hendrik Consciencestraat Shelter - 248m - Naamsestraat Shelter - 372m - Van 't Sestichstraat, 36 office-lawyer - 265mNico Vandebroek Constantin Meunierstraat, 111 3000 Leuven office-estate_agent - 298mMoreau - private access Naamsestraat, 166 3000 Phone: +32 16 65 65 65 Recycling - 412m - Van 't Sestichstraat, 29 Opening hours: 24/7 office-accountant - 196mFidinvest Constantin Meunierstraat, 71 Email: fidinvest@skynet.be Waste Basket - 242m - Naamsestraat Waste Basket - 324m - Naamsestraat, 102A Waste Basket - 378m - Naamsestraat Waste Basket - 269m - Naamsestraat Waste Basket - 263m - Waste Basket - 381m - Weldadigheidsstraat, 77 Waste Basket - 364m - Erasme Ruelensvest, 27 Waste Basket - 258m - Naamsevest Waste Basket - 261m - Waste Basket - 283m - Waste Basket - 328m - office-therapist - 253mVie kinesitherapie Pierre Joseph Verhaghenstraat, 12 Phone: +32 499 43 83 43 shop-shoe_repair - 559mHet Sleutelboerke Tervuursevest 3001 Heverlee waste disposal - 327m - - Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis - private access Hendrik Consciencestraat Charging Station - 184m - - public access Constantin Meunierstraat, 63 Charging Station - 185m - - private access Constantin Meunierstraat, 63 Charging Station - 324m - Schapenstraat parcel_locker - 340m - - bpost Groot Begijnhof, 7 Opening hours: 24/7 Vending Machine - 56m - Albert Giraudstraat, 27 Vending Machine - 377m - Schapenstraat, 129 Vending Machine - 160m - Naamsestraat, 159 Vending Machine - 251m - Naamsestraat, 115 public bookcase - 64mAlbert Giraudstraat - Stad Leuven Albert Giraudstraat, 28 Opening hours: 24/7 public bookcase - 383mWeldadigheidsstraat - Stad Leuven Weldadigheidsstraat, 75 Opening hours: 24/7 Bicycle repair - 606m - - KU Leuven - no fee Parkstraat, 51 Opening hours: 24/7 mobility_hub - 178mConstantin Meunierstraat - Hoppin Constantin Meunierstraat, 63 compressed_air - 509m - - Total - no fee Kardinaal Mercierlaan Veterinary - 652mbooZoo Naamsesteenweg, 34 3001 Heverlee shop-insurance - 298mAssurex & Co Naamsevest, 18 office-insurance - 298mAssurex & Co Naamsevest, 18 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Albert Giraudstraat